Despite the impending doom of the headlines, there’s room for optimism

8th August 2022

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– Says Andy Page, Head of Commercial Finance at Seico Mortgages.

Pandemics, global conflict, inflation, rising interest rates, recession – worrying about everything in the news right now takes so long it feels like there’s no time for anything else. I often muse that headline writers will only be happy once we’ve all succumbed to the powers of negativity. But having been around for more years (and economic cycles) than I’m happy to admit, I remind myself that this has always been the way of things. Even when everything’s going swimmingly in the world, there will always be a headline telling us why it will all come crashing down before the next quarter’s end.

And that’s not all- if you are a small business owner there are even more headaches to deal with. It takes superb time management just to fit all the worrying in – what with staffing, red-tape and, of course, Brexit (whatever way you saw it) to deal with. 

But it is also true that we have been here before and have come through it. ‘There is nothing new under the sun’ is a phrase so ancient it was in the Old Testament. Business people do not simply give up in the face of bad headlines, and it’s just as well. They know that planning for the future is a continuous process, not confined to the good times alone. And if you are making plans, there’s a good chance that funding will be required to see them through. So, here’s a piece of good news… Money is available to businesses who have made such plans. I have been involved in business finance for many years and talk to banks every day – I can genuinely say that funding is out there – notably to trading businesses and as much now as it ever has been. Banks like to make funds available to this sector because it helps to create and safeguard jobs and makes for better headlines – something they haven’t always benefited from. That said, a good business idea needs to be put in front of the right lender, and it’s our job at Seico to make sure that happens.

Seico have been arranging finance for property owners and business people for over 30 years and, despite the headlines, we are as busy now as ever.

If you have a business idea, I’d welcome the chance to discuss it with you. Please don’t be shy about getting in touch on: 01273 778888 Or email: