DevAssist marks a decade in business

13th February 2023

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The unique development risk auditing service has been helping solicitors, acting on behalf of residential and commercial property buyers and sellers, for over 10 years.

DevAssist works with top conveyancing solicitors to deliver the most accurate search information on properties that neighbour those for sale – and fast. In fact, it has the highest ‘hit’ rate for development sites, meaning its searches are best-placed to find ‘hidden’ problems sellers may be tempted not to be honest about.

The Sussex based firm helps investors and professionals identify development opportunities as well as those, often initially attractive, properties with development risks right next door. Its services take just days, meaning they won’t delay a purchase or sale if nothing of major concern is identified.

Imagine buying your ideal home or business premises only to find tens of thousands knocked off its value a short time later due to a detrimental development nobody told you about…

DevAssist removes that risk, delivering the only service of its kind in England and Wales, and can even help sellers understand how the value of their property may be impacted by planned development.

We spoke to Managing Director Paul Addison, who started the business after a background in land acquisition. 

First, we asked him a few quick-fire questions to learn more about DevAssist.

When did DevAssist mark its 10th anniversary and how did you celebrate it?

“Our anniversary was last November and we marked it with a dinner at a Michelin-starred restaurant in London.”

What prompted you to start your own business?

“I had an extensive background in land acquisition, so it was my job to go out and find development opportunities.”

Paul says, prior to a significant overhaul of the planning system, it was notoriously difficult for developers to get planning permission – with the ‘Not In My Back Yard’ mentality provoking almost universal opposition to any new building projects. However, that all changed during David Cameron’s tenure as Prime Minister. The tables were almost completely turned with planners working to new guidelines that meant proposals were viewed almost as ‘approved’ – unless very good reasons were forthcoming to persuade councils to determine otherwise. 

With the relaxation in planning rules came new challenges – for buyers and sellers of residential and commercial properties.

“I saw an opportunity to level the playing field so that anyone, including Mr and Mrs Average, could see plans in the same way that developers do,” Paul said. “That included putting together evidence-based reports that informed people about not just what could happen next door but what will happen.”

What’s new at DevAssist?

“We recently started working with Lara Squires, of Consortium, as part of our growth plans.”

Development risks

DevAssist’s audits are focussed on neighbouring properties and land. 

They can identify if a stunning view is likely to be lost to new development as well as a raft of often overlooked issues.

One issue that regular searches often fail to identify is ‘iceberg’ properties. A proliferating trend, particularly in cities, is to extend a property below ground. This can pose serious risks.

Paul said: “The scale of basement extensions can be staggering. 

“What you see above ground may only be a third of the property.”

And the risk to an investor?

“The issue for an incoming buyer is the structural integrity of the property for sale. Such a development can undermine the stability a neighbouring property,” he added. “And, if one is planned, there is also the inconvenience of building work which could go on for many months.”

The up-tick in basement extensions started in London but has since spread to other built-up areas, he pointed out.

Examples of how buyers almost had the wool pulled over their eyes include: 

DevAssist was able to properly inform a buyer who intended to purchase a modest seafront flat in Folkstone. The flat had wonderful sea views, with just a road separating it from the beach. 

However, when Paul’s team undertook an audit, it was revealed that half of the beach had planning permission for a major development of new flats.

On another occasion, in-depth searches revealed a development of flats with views over the Thames Estuary was due to lose that view – because of permission being granted for a multi-storey development in the estuary. 

Paul points out that even minor developments can have a big impact on neighbouring properties. 

He said: “It is just as important that a buyer knows if a planning application has just gone in for the property next door – like a two-storey extension that would block sun from the garden.

“An estate agent could sell a property with glorious views over the countryside but we will find out if a development is due to happen that will impact that view.

“If people aren’t telling the truth to an in-coming buyer and have a ‘nothing to declare’ approach to the sale, we can ensure the buyer has accurate information. We can find out if a seller has put a property on the market to get away from a new development.”

Who does DevAssist work with?

“We work with good solicitors,” said  Paul. “They are solicitors who care about their clients and about the service they provide.”

The company also works with home buyers directly, estate agents, debt recovery companies and asset managers.

DevAssist services

The range of services provided by DevAssist include:


This service assesses development risks for residential and commercial properties under 0.25 acres. These audits take in an area of 75m radius from the centre of the structure for sale. Reports will identify risks such as potential for the loss of a view or other amenity, the impact of development on the value of a property and a professional assessment on its development potential.

DevAssess Premium 

This report provides everything DevAssess offers but for properties under 40 acres. It will also assess everything from traveller sites and Strategic Housing Land Availability to local policy and listed buildings as well as the five-year housing supply plus changes to nearby major infrastructure. Paul said: “Because this report goes into greater depth, it can identify alternative exit strategies and potential hidden value in properties.”


If you are buying or selling in a city, you need to understand that high value can also mean high risk. This service analyses specific locations in two stages – a search of the planning history of nearby structures as well as a search, carried out before the exchange of contracts, for any recent, undetermined planning applications. Paul said: “We use Freedom of Information Act requests to ensure buyers have the most up-to-date information before they are committed to a purchase.”  


Want to discover the hidden potential or possible alternative uses for a property that may increase its value? This service is used by a variety of professionals, including asset managers, debt recovery firms, solicitors and estate agents to maximise land values. Paul said: “What this report does is protect professional indemnity insurance where there may be a risk of underselling property assets. It is particularly helpful for solicitors because it gives them peace of mind that they have adequately assessed any development potential.”

If you offer legal services to property buyers and want to ensure they know how much they stand to gain or lose from an investment, work with DevAssist – and deliver a service that not only goes further but shows you care.

For further information, visit or call 01342

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