Diversifying Golf in Sussex

10th July 2023

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Local Businesses Come together to encourage more women in business to take advantage of playing Golf.

Last week 50 women in business came together to learn and play golf at East Brighton Golf Club. This initiative was led by local law firm Healys LLP and the Starr Trust charity, who created a campaign to make ‘herstory’ by hosting Brighton’s leading Women in Business Golf Day.

Local businesses including Healys LLP, Plus Accounting, Flexibility Matters, Sussex Business Times and TPG Sports Events joined forces with the Starr Trust Charity and East Brighton Golf Club to challenge this by creating a Women in Business Golf Day. 

Each sponsor provided time, funding and resources to not only reduce the cost for each attendee, but establish a welcoming environment at East Brighton Golf Club, to support more beginners and professional enhance their skills. 

Event Host and Marketing Specialist at Healys LLP, Stephanie Prior said:

“There is a saying that behind one successful woman is an army of women. This event relied on an army of women, many of whom had never played golf before, to trust in this initiative and to encourage others to attend. 

Through communicating our passion for change and opportunity; sharing our own personal vulnerabilities surrounding golf and leading on marketing with local photographers, we established a sell-out event. It is a great example of when women are invited to have a seat at the table, we will arrive.”

Collectively, the attendees and sponsors involved highlighted that with a little courage, commitment and passion for change, glass ceilings can be broken and businesses can make history on a local level by leading on campaigns that to date, have yet to be achieved. 

This Women in Business Golf Day raised over £2K for the The Starr Trust. These funds will be directly used to support young people from disadvantaged backgrounds by removing roadblocks to help them succeed and thrive in whatever they put their minds to.  

Tracey Starr, Fundraising Manager at the Starr Trust said: “It has been an honour to work with businesses who are keen to collaborate and support our charity in addition to causes that promote more equality in our community. We are extremely grateful to our sponsors and everyone who attended this unique event.” 

Businesses who kindly sponsored the event included; Highweald Wine, iCrossing UK, Plus Accounting, Flexibility Matters, Sussex Business Times  TPG Sports Events Ladies Lunch Clubs Sitaarah and East Brighton Golf Club

For more information regarding Women in Business Golf events, please contact:

Email: stephanie.prior@healys.com