Doing things differently in business

7th March 2022

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Let’s be honest, running a good business is hard work

The way in which we do business needs to change and with it sees the rise of more ethical and environmentally sustainable models and approaches to running a company.

But let’s not kid ourselves, running a business that aligns people and the planet alongside profit is no easy task. We are still debating and co-creating what it means to be a “good business”. Every decision we make takes into consideration the impact on more than the bottom line but financial sustainability is still necessary. It’s a juggling act that tests the best business owners every day.

So why are we tackling this issue in isolation? Wouldn’t there be more benefit in coming together to share lessons and best practices rather than spending resources going through our own trial and error cycle? Isn’t there a benefit in being able to tap into the collective knowledge held by business owners who have diverse experience and expertise that we don’t ourselves hold?

Together we can have a lasting impact

Myself and my co-founder, Ruth Anslow, set up The Good Business Club three years ago to create spaces for this knowledge to be accessed by like-minded business owners, because when good businesses thrive – people and the planet survive.

The Club now supports over 117 first-time good business owners across the UK, who are doing business differently, to set up sustainable businesses without having to have decades of experience behind them.

We enable them to tap into the experience and expertise of others in the community so they can approach their own business with the clarity and confidence they otherwise wouldn’t get working in isolation.

Building a different business community

What we discovered was key to having an impact was creating safe spaces and a culture that encourages honest conversations about the challenges rather than the usual “looking good” dance we go into when you’re asked “how are things going with the business?”.  We want to know what is keeping business owners up at night and what they would like to pick someone’s brains about. Understanding what is needed is the first step to making impactful connections to what they really need.

It also means encouraging people to go against the grain of asking for help, which culturally isn’t the norm. Sharing vulnerability and admitting that there are areas of the business that they aren’t confident in is something that takes courage in a world where “fake it till you make it” is much more common.

What we weren’t expecting when we launched was the sheer level of generosity when you work with businesses that are standing for something bigger than themselves. When we were onboarding members they were more focused on talking about how they could contribute to others than what they were looking to tap into.

The outcome after three years of building this community is one where 60% share that they have developed their business because of the input from other members in the Club and where 58% have secured new business or increased their income directly through connections in the Club.

Our influence goes beyond our members

Unsurprisingly our community stretches outside the Club, with 4.1K businesses looking to our community for inspiration and advice on how to become a better business across our social channels. And the community does not disappoint with features on our blog as well as external articles going out each month, such as The Good Business section of this magazine, educating and sharing honest insights into the challenges and solutions when looking to have a more positive impact on people and the planet.

As well as working in partnership with media outlets and other business support networks such as Enterprise Nation, The Federation for Small Business and Social Enterprise UK, we are excited to be announcing our Ambassador of the Club later this month.

Ambassadors are first-time good business owners who share our values and the mission of the Club and are proving that running a sustainable good business is possible through what they have already achieved in their business. Follow @TheGoodBizClub on social media or sign up to our newsletter via our website to find out which founders have joined the movement to support good businesses.


The world of business is changing and Sara Osterholzer is leading the charge. She believes there’s a different way to do business that positively impacts people and the planet while still being profitable and is demystifying what that looks like to support business owners create sustainable businesses, for themselves and the world.

Sara is an impact-entrepreneur and good business optimist, most recently co-founded The Good Business Club. She also mentors the next generation of leaders looking to redesign the world of business, for good. When she’s not banging the drum for purpose-led business, you can find her touring around on her motorbike or breaking the taboo around mental health.