Easy self-care hacks to integrate into your busy working day

18th January 2023

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We live in a constant state of change and uncertainty. There are many economic challenges out of our control that can create anxiety. 

The good news is our well-being is in our control. Here are some simple and quick self-care hacks that you can weave into your busy day, to help regulate your nervous system, leaving you feel calmer and happier.

Using your morning routine to set the scene for your day

· Try to avoid starting your day by looking at your phone. Constant email and news traffic sets the tone for the day when you should put your mental and physical health first. Start by taking some deep breaths, enjoy some gentle stretches, yoga, or a quick YouTube workout. The night before have your clothes ready so you can quickly get dressed and work out and start the day by producing endorphins.  

· Meditate for 10 minutes. Start with breathwork to feel more focused and calm by simply exhaling longer than the inhalation for 1-2 minutes. Use visualisation by visualising yourself working hard on your goal, making it happen and enjoying the process. Repeat positive affirmations to cultivate a happy mindset (i.e. I can do this, I am good enough, etc). Use meditation to align our busy minds with our bodies, bring ourselves back to the here and now so that we reduce anxiety about the future or the past.*

· Set your intentions for the day in a journal before you start working on your to-do list, and think about how you want the day to go and the energy that you will bring.  

· Practice gratitude at the start and end of each day by focusing on what you are thankful for. Use gratitude to help manage the negative bias in your brain. Some of the happiest people practice gratitude daily.


Mindfulness during your working day

· Integrate mini mindfulness moments throughout the day when you are brushing your teeth, making a coffee, etc all you need to do is notice how you are feeling, come back to the present moment, take some deep breaths and scan your body for any tension. You can place a small sticker on some of your belongings, for example your phone as a reminder to do this

· In your lunch break try to get out for a walk-in nature and mindfully use all your senses to take everything in and recharge your inner batteries.

· Do some chair yoga and benefit from gentle neck rolls and stretching your shoulders which helps prevent poor posture, and potential health issues.

• Before you send an important email or deliver a presentation take one or two minutes to think about your intentions, and shift from being reactive to being present in the moment. How will your message via email or presentation be received?

· Start meetings by giving everyone one minute to connect with the present moment, take some deep nurturing breaths, then do a check-in to find out how everyone is feeling. You will have a far more productive meeting.

· Set intentions for when you attend a meeting and be fully present by using active listening. A report by Business Insider highlights that apparently only 2% of the population can properly and effectively multitask.

· Where possible can you have walking meetings? Avoid back-to-back meetings, if possible block out short breaks in your calendar and protect that time.

· Utilise the power of visualisation. Some of the happiest and most successful sports professionals use visualisation to achieve their goals. If you are feeling nervous then try visualising the process, what you are going to say, do and wear etc.

· Focus on positive quotes and affirmations. Tune out of the negative headlines in the news and focus on inspiring quotes and affirmations that you really connect with you. Have your favourite affirmations or quotes stuck to your laptop as a constant reminder.


· Leave work at work/home office and try challenging yourself to have a time of day that you must switch off by, to reclaim your evening for yourself.  

· Focus on self-compassion, do you speak to yourself in a compassionate way? The most important relationship you will have is the one that you have with yourself. Forgive yourself for any mistakes, look at ways to develop and think about how you want to show up tomorrow and what you want to achieve.

· Go to sleep by reflecting on what you are most proud of and grateful for.

· Use music to help you to get yourself into the right mindset and create the right energy for whatever you are working on.

· Use visualisation to help you relax and drift off to sleep by imagining you are in your happy place.

· Prioritise sleep

Please get in touch if you are interested in learning more about developing a bespoke wellbeing programme including mindfulness or yoga in the workplace. I share lots of tips on Linkedin.

Telephone: 07841108460 Website: themeditationeffectwithcara.com

* If you have any health conditions prior to participating in breathwork, please consult a doctor.

Sources of inspiration: Jay Shetty, Brene Brown and Mel Robbins