Electric vehicles ‘too expensive’ say motorists

25th July 2019

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Electric vehicles will have to be cheaper before they become mainstream, according to the AA.

It conducted a poll in association Populus of 19,350 drivers – and discovered the biggest turn-off for drivers is the higher cost compared to petrol or diesel equivalents.

Thirty-five per cent said going electric costs too much.

When asked what would persuade them to make the switch, 33 per cent said 250 miles on a single charge and 27 per cent said a lot more charging points.

Motorists said they want to see more choice of vehicles too.

Sixty-eight per cent believe new-build homes with off-street parking should have an EV charging point installed as standard.

Edmund King, AA president, said: “It is easy to say that all new cars should be electric by 2030 or 2035 or any arbitrary date but the reality is that much still needs to be done in terms of addressing the legitimate concerns of drivers regarding cost and supply of vehicles, as well as, improving range and the ease of charging. 

“The big game changer for 84% of drivers will be when car manufacturers can offer the right car at the right price. Throughout history we have seen certain iconic cars break the mould and transform the market from the Model T Ford through to the Morris Minor, Mini or Beetle. Once we get a mass market, stylish, affordable, practical EV with a decent range, it will sell like hot cakes.”

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