Entering business awards and how to create a winning entry

17th May 2021

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As we approach the awards season and off the back of the successful County Business Clubs Virtual Business awards event in April, we thought we would take this opportunity to give you some guidance about how to approach business award entries and how to create a winning submission.

Why enter business awards?

Being nominated for or winning an award can be such a great boost for your profile – both as a firm and for the individuals within your business that you are looking to highlight and grow.  It makes you realise what you have achieved as a business and how you stand against your competitors.

The award ceremonies are a great opportunity to network and embed your brand in your local community, sector, or area of expertise – so even if you do not win, you win. You also have the contents of your award entry that you can re-use and repurpose for your marketing.

Here are some more reasons why entering business awards is a good idea:

Business Appraisal

Going through the application process can provide you with the opportunity to take a close look at all facets of your business.


Through the judging process you can benchmark yourself against other firms in the same category, size, or sector as you.

Public Relations

Winning or being a finalist can generate great amounts of publicity.


Awards are a great opportunity to celebrate your successes and can serve as a great pat on the back to employees and can help build a sense of pride.


Demonstrating that you have received recognition can help if you are seeking investment and may also help to attract quality candidates when recruiting.

Choosing the awards

Research the right awards for your industry sector, and make sure that the awards fits with your business and marketing objectives.

Ok still not sure you should enter. What about sponsorship?

If you feel you do not have the resources to put an entry together why not consider outsourcing your entry? Or if you feel your firm is not at the right stage of its development to make a credible application why not consider sponsoring the awards.

Sponsorship packages offer good promotional coverage to help build awareness and credibility, and with some, media coverage comes with the sponsorship deal.

Best practice for entering awards

There are a few ‘golden rules’ to follow when collating your awards submission:

• Follow the entry instructions and any terms and conditions.

• Pick the right category and make sure you read the category descriptions carefully.

• Ensure you answer all questions for your category.

• Stick to the word limit, judges love clear, concise entries.

• Link evidence you are submitting back to your business objectives if you can.

• Provide evidence or supporting material of what you have achieved.

• Judges will be reading a few entries, so you need to make your entry memorable.

• Write in clear, concise English, avoid jargon, and proofread your entry.

• Take your time creating your entry, but also do no wait for the deadline to submit.

• Attach an image or logo to your entry form, as it will be used if you are shortlisted.

Being shortlisted or winning an award will bring recognition and an opportunity to celebrate your success. It can also motivate employees, promote your business to new clients, and act as an and evaluation or endorsement for your firm.

A good winning entry takes time and there is a skill in writing a submission.

If you would like any help with using business awards as part of your company strategy we can help. We can research the right awards for you, through discussions and research we will find the right information about your firm that will match the judging criteria, and we can write and submit the entry on your behalf. For more information, email Lara or call us on 01903 530787.