Extech Cloud’s ongoing investment in training and staff development proves a success

10th April 2021

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Extech Cloud, an award-winning IT managed service provider based in Sussex, was recently thrilled to be announced as ‘Edge Partner of the Year’ in the Vuzion Cloud Awards 2021.

Vuzion is an innovative Cloud solutions specialist, assisting businesses like Extech Cloud, ensuring the best possible foundation for their partners to build and develop a sustainable and future-proof business for the 21st Century.

The team at Extech Cloud has partnered with Vuzion’s EDGE Partner Program in order to ensure the team has the technical skills and expertise to offer customers the solutions and services to suit their needs.

Investing in knowledge and staff development

“Part of our ongoing work with Vuzion involves heavily investing in the training of our team, with the help of Vuzion Cloud,” says Andrew Hookway, Director of Extech Cloud. “This is so that our team of experts at Extech Cloud can continue to provide top-level service and pass this knowledge on to our wide range of clients. We want to ensure that no matter what a client might want to speak to us about, we have the best possible answers and solutions on-hand to help”.

“The virtual awards, which took place via Microsoft Teams, celebrated Vuzion Partners, and their innovative work within the IT industry,” says Andrew. “The night was a fantastic way for those in the industry to stay connected during the Covid-19 pandemic.”

It also offered a brilliant opportunity for Vuzion Cloud partners to promote their hard work during challenging times and to ensure wider recognition of their successes and achievements.

Continually learning as new innovations arise

As the world of IT is so fast-moving, the team at Extech Cloud aim to continually learn as new innovations arise, ensuring that they are always ahead of the curve and that clients are empowered with the know-how to be in the starting gates when the business boom hits, and by all accounts later this year.

If your business has a new-found confidence in future business conditions following the first steps in the gradual easing of the national lockdown, you may find that uncertainties are now shifting towards what you are doing with your IT.

“If this sounds familiar within your business operation, NOW is the time to act,” says Andrew. “I don’t mean thinking about it next month or waiting until later in the year, when it’s already much too late”.

Overcome IT issues before it’s too late

The team at Extech Cloud understands that SMEs can’t always afford to be making investments, especially at the moment in the midst of a pandemic, and it can be tempting to delay making any changes for as long as possible. However, now is the perfect time for businesses to decide on the most optimal way to overcome any IT issues and be better prepared for whatever happens next.

“Businesses have to remember that if they only ever do what they’ve always done before, they will only ever get the same results. A miracle won’t occur overnight,” adds Andrew.

Nothing is going to change if your IT systems and processes don’t change too. Therefore if you limped through lockdown, Extech Cloud can help!

Locked down IT due to a reluctance to change?

Over the years, the team has seen time and time again where a business’ IT systems become ‘locked down’ due to the reluctance to change current practices. Whether it stems from an IT Manager or an outsourced team, it results in the same issue…a team that are disengaged with IT and disheartened by decisions being made. What’s more, when everyone does return to the office (even if it’s just for a few days per week), you don’t want a culture of staff blaming poor IT infrastructure for losing precious time.

Having the right systems in place ensures that day to day routines can continue without any spanners being thrown into the works. What’s more, although it might seem like a move to the cloud is a big change, it results in a lot more than ‘just’ the ability to access any applications quickly and easily from anywhere in the world. It’s a way to future-proof the business and ensure that you’re competing within your sector, otherwise what’s the point?

For example, you wouldn’t enter a marathon without your running shoes, would you? therefore why be in the race when you’re at less than your best?

Be at your best with Extech Cloud

“Being at your best works both ways,” says Andrew. “Not only do we want to ensure that our clients can work smarter and more efficient and effectively be the best versions of themselves with our help, we want our team to continue learning and ensure that we have the best knowledge and support on-hand at all times to pass on to our customers”.

Digital transformation is easier than you think when you come to Extech Cloud. Speak to the experts to get the facts. Contact the team on +44 (0) 1444 443200, email info@extech.co.uk or visit www.extechcloud.com.