Green Homes Grants newsletter

19th August 2020

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Some welcome news for landlords! The Government is launching ‘Green Homes Grants’ which landlords can take advantage of.

Homes currently have to be an E energy efficiency rating or above in order for a tenancy to be granted unless there is an exemption (very few properties will apply!). However, with the drive to be more environmentally friendly the UK Government has stated that by 2025 all properties must be a D rating or above and then by 2030 at least a C rating or above. 

This does cause some issues with the types of properties we have within Brighton and Hove as some of the more obvious works simply cannot be carried out – due to listed or conservation area status.

However I would urge you to take advantage of the new scheme if applicable as potentially the UK Government will pay 2/3 of the cost of works to improve energy efficiency ratings. However the devil will be in the detail which will be forthcoming toward the end of August, I believe.

Please check the UK.GOV website and search for Green Homes Grant for more information.


I am proud of the fact that Town and Country Property Services worked hard with both client and tenant alike over these past four months and as a result, by and large, have had few significant problems with tenants plunging into arrears.

We took a very human approach and dealt with each tenant on a case by case basis and it would appear that this paid dividends for our clients – particular when reading about huge arrears building across the country. We are not counting our chickens however and will continue to work with both sides if and when problems occur.


Following recent newsletters to our clients where I have had to temper expectation on rental demand I have to say that over the past 2-3 weeks we have never been so busy with new applications!

Tenants have given notice and in some cases we have had 3-4 people wanting to take the property at full asking price within a day of it being on the market. This is welcome relief for those clients whose properties came available and hopefully means that the predicted downturn will not be as bad as originally thought. In fact, the Bank of England announced recently that the downturn would not be as bad as originally feared.

Brighton and Hove will remain a long term attractive proposition for residential lettings.  If you require any assistance for your residential property management do not hesitate to give us a call.

Stephen Chipp
01273 771977