Growing your company during a global pandemic

19th August 2020

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We had the pleasure of interviewing Sussex-based Entrepreneur and CEO of The Creative Group, Matt Turner. A truly refreshing, open, honest conversation and great to hear some real positivity during what has been a challenging period for most of us.

Tell us about Creative Pod?

I started Creative Pod back in 2006 in my bedroom. I was 20 at the time, had no clients, little money but a vision to provide first class, marketing solutions that were affordable and creative with out the bullshit and waffle that you find with so many marketing agencies.

Creative Pod is one of six companies that I own that sits within The Creative Group. Three of the companies in the Group I started from scratch, the other three I acquired over the past decade. Every single company in the group is profitable has grown yea on year over the past 5 years.

Fast forward 14 years and we are now one of the fastest growing marketing agencies in Sussex with a wonderful team of hard working, passionate, talented individuals who always go the extra mile for our clients. Over that period of time we’ve won multiple awards, grown the business in 12 countries round the world and have raised over £1m for charities across Sussex over the past decade. This is something we are extremely proud of and is the foundation for what we stand for as a business.

Marketing is often seen by many as a “fluffy” expense that is often difficult to understand and hard to work our a ROI. That’s where we are different. Creative Pods core service is that we become our clients marketing department for a fixed monthly fee. We take out the faff, join up the dots and deliver creative solutions that are tangible and deliver a positive ROI. Our continued growth and client retention is a testament to the fact we actually deliver and understand our clients and their business. We talk “Entrepreneur”.

Tell us about the culture you have created in Creative Pod for both staff and clients, I understand your mantra is “no dickheads allowed”?

In business the one thing that slows you down, takes you off track or makes you doubt yourself is those dickheads that we come across in our every day life. We all know what a dickhead looks like and we can even be one ourselves. That’s why the businesses mantra is “no dickheads” and we have it printed 10m long on the wall in our office. It applies to the companies staff, management, clients and suppliers.

I urge any business owner reading this to sit down and write a list of every single dickhead in their personal and professional life. Then give yourself 3 months to remove them from your life and I promise that you will see a double digital increase in your bottom line, not to mention a positive improvement in your sanity!

Covid-19 has been a tough time for many businesses, how have you adapted and continued to grow during this period?

Covid has enabled us to solve so many issues in the business that otherwise couldn’t be fixed. Covid has focused the team, it’s improved internal communication and it has enabled us to implement a really proactive culture in the business. I think but has also opened clients eyes so that they actually see and appreciate what we do for them especially during difficult times.

We’ve been extremely positive, proactive and have given heaps of free advice to people. Our continued commitment to our clients, the local business community and local charities is illustrated by the fact we have won a new client a week since lock down, we’ve grown by 35% and have recruited four more members of staff. When many agencies in Sussex are furloughing staff, going down to 4 days weeks or cutting salaries we have bucked the trend and done the complete opposite.

If you could name one, what would be your top marketing tip for our readers?

Have a plan. Set goals and don’t bite off more than you can chew. Slow, steady, consistent marketing will always win the day as it will ensure you dont blow budgets, you build traction and momentum with your messaging and content. And ultimately it it’s not working either stop it or change it.

What is next for Creative Pod?

Over the next 24 months we plan to continue our acquisition trail and hoover up Sussex-based marketing and web agencies that turnover £100k-£250k. Our acquisition blue print is tried and tested, works, and enables all parties to get what they want and need from it. There are so many Sussex agency owners who are desperate to get off the merry go round and we have a solution for this. So if you run a local marketing agency, are fed up of the rat race and want a change of direction get in touch!

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