Have you trained your team on AI yet?

9th May 2024

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By Gareth Kemp, Co-Founder, Simpler With AI.

“I had no idea AI could do anything like that. I was waiting to see before exploring AI more. I thought it wasn’t useful yet!”

That was the CEO of a legal firm. He, like most people, had experimented with ChatGPT but couldn’t see how it would make a difference.

Until now.

About 20 minutes earlier, I’d asked him about his current business challenges.

“We’re struggling to recruit the right people,” he said. “And we want to grow, so sales and marketing matter.”

“We’ll cover all of that,” I said. “My background is business development so that’s where we first started using AI. But we quickly realised it’s just as powerful in HR, finance, operations, admin… every functional department of your business.”

“May I demonstrate how AI is helping our clients address these issues?” I asked.

For the next 20 minutes I shared what AI could do for him.

We opened the AI-powered Hiring Expert. Within a couple of minutes, the “Hiring Expert” had asked clarifying questions about his recruitment problem.

It not only identified the core of his issue but also made simple and immediately actionable recommendations.

“I’ve spent thousands with a consultant who took weeks to do what you just did in seconds! The advice is the same” (You can see how the AI-powered Hiring Expert works at simplerwith.ai/hiring-expert)

“That’s something we hear a lot,” I said.

“It’s because we created the Three Principles of AI Performance to ensure we always have the human at the centre of the work, and that the quality is at least as good as or better than a human.”

Next, we created a sales campaign based on an idea the CEO had.

“We’ve created sales campaigns that attracted senior leadership teams of businesses including Spotify, Etsy, Tinder, Laurent Perrier, and many others for our clients,” I told him.

“Before AI, that took skilled work and was expensive. Now we’ve trained AI on how to replicate those results. Work that used to take weeks is done in about two minutes.” (You can see the reality at simplerwith.ai/sales and how to change the tone and style too.)

“AI is about unlocking productivity and making the work faster and easier. That’s why our clients generate such massive productivity gains. Their people are not tired from doing the work. They guide the AI. Then they do what makes them uniquely human. They reflect upon it. They discuss it with others. They collaborate.

“Strategic planning used to take days of hard work. There’s a reason businesses used to only do it once a year. With AI, we have a 45 minute conversation to give it the detail and then run the PESTLE, SWOT or any analysis you need in minutes.” (simplerwith.ai/strategy)

“Instead of doing the hard work, you have the space and time to think.

“The way to unlock your team’s ability so they can perform at a higher level is through AI training,” I said.

“It quickly opens their eyes to the possibilities. There’s an immediate impact on their work and productivity.

“We have tools we’ve already created. But our clients find the greatest impact comes from knowing how to use ChatGPT at a more sophisticated level, as well as how to create the tools.”

“That sounds technical and time consuming, doesn’t it?” he challenged me.

“I hear you. The reality is there’s nothing technical. All you need is the ability to speak English. We have a 100% success rate in training people to create a tool that improves the speed of one of their regularly performed tasks by at least 100x.”

I told him a story one of our clients had told us.

He had a virtual assistant who was a stay at home mum. In the training, she realised it was faster to create the tool that does the work for her, than it was to do the work itself.

Instead of spending three days a month creating action plans, she created a tool to do the work in minutes, meaning she was able to work on more interesting challenges. Everybody wins.

Other clients regularly build tools with over 5,000x speed improvements. Work that took hours is condensed into minutes. Whether it’s analysing financial statements, working out how to approach a difficult conversation, analysing transcripts of sales calls to identify areas of improvement, AI can help you.

Our AI training is interactive and makes an immediate impact, plus we can certify your people. They’ll love you are future proofing their careers.

Because nobody wants to be left behind.

If you’d like to discover what AI can do for you go to simplerwith.ai/start and schedule a short call. We’ll take time to understand your business and show you how AI can make an immediate impact.