Healys Women in Business Golf Day

7th July 2022

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Sponsored by Quantuma, Plus Accounting, Sussex Business Times, Starr Trust, TPG Sports Events & East Brighton Golf Club

Last month, Healys LLP joined forces with Quantuma, Plus Accounting, Sussex Business Times, Starr Trust, TPG Sports Events & East Brighton Golf Club to host Brighton’s first leading Women in Business Golf Day.

The event took place at East Brighton Golf Club, on Women’s World Golf Day.Traditionally golf has been a male-dominated sport. Even when you ask Google ‘Why do less women play golf?’, the search engine’s suggestion is that: “Since the wage gap between men and women has not disappeared, women simply have less money to spend. In addition, the practice of conducting “business” on the golf course is a corporate perk enjoyed largely by males who golf on the company dime.”

Even if there is some truth to Google’s suggestion, the question in this modern day must be, how do we remove such barriers to make sports like golf more inclusive and diverse? To make this event successful, we dedicated our focus to three things:


It wasn’t as difficult as you may think. Using resources and a collaborative approach, each sponsor provided time, funding and resources to not only reduce the cost of each attendee, but to additionally raise funds for this charity event. Through the generosity and resources provided by sponsors, tickets could be provided at a reduced rate under £50.

Encouragement & Trust

There is a saying that behind one woman is an army of women. This event relied on an army of women, many of whom had never played golf before, to trust in this initiative and encourage others to attend. Initially this was tricky. Even using authentic professional photos of women playing golf ahead of the event could be considered quite intimidating to someone who has never played golf before. Communication was key.

Through communicating our passion for this initiative, sharing our own personal vulnerabilities surrounding golf and leading on our marketing with local photographers, we sold our first tickets. Those who purchased tickets and understood the vision, then kindly shared this initiative with other women in their networks who could benefit from the event. Through the support of our local women in business community, we achieved a sell-out event in a field that was alien to many.

Victoria King, Plus Accounting: 

‘Plus Accounting were delighted to support this event, not only was it a great local event for women in business, but it was held on International Women’s Golf Day – the day was curated perfectly by the Charity, Club and organisers and the Ladies Team at East Brighton Golf Club provided invaluable insights into the world of golf, with a number of us eager to get back on a course!’

Be the change you wish to see…

Many of the most successful initiatives come from a place of passion and a care for change. As sponsors and event organisers, each of us had a genuine passion to not only lead on a new worthwhile initiative, but to actively support diversity and inclusion where possible in our community. This initiative came from a conversation between sponsors about attending an existing golf event. Sussex has a strong women in business community. Many of these women are successful, strong-minded and competitive – and, just like men, they mean business. 

Collectively, the attendees and sponsors involved highlighted that with a little courage, commitment and passion for change, we can not only accomplish what we set our minds to but can also make history through using our leadership skills to do things that, to date, have yet to be achieved. 

Marion McClymont, East Brighton Golf Club 

‘This was a memorable day… I think the event definitely achieved its objectives for everyone involved, particularly all the attendees,  the very worthwhile charities, our Ladies Section and also East Brighton Club.’

The Healys Women in Business Golf Day raised over £2K for the The Starr Trust, which is supporting The Girls’ Network. These funds will be directly used to support more young girls and women from disadvantaged backgrounds gain access to mentoring, resources and networks that enhance career opportunities. 

For more information regarding Healys Women in Business events, contact the Marketing & Business Development Manager, Stephanie Prior at: stephanie.prior@healys.com

Photos by Lauren Mabbett Photography