Heritage Awards Launches for 2017

13th February 2017

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Recognised as the most prestigious architectural and conservation programme in East and West Sussex and Brighton and Hove, the Sussex Heritage Trust Awards launches its scheme for 2017

Launched at UTC@Harbourside, Newhaven on Thursday 9th February 2017, the Sussex Heritage Trust Awards called for entries from high quality conservation, restoration and good design of newly built projects. The UTC@Harbourside was a 2016 winner in the Public and Community category, one of the nine categories available to enter.

The 2016 Award judges said of the project: “An outstanding regeneration project of high architectural quality and local historical significance”.

Former District Museum Chichester_After Photo 03Other 2016 winners ranged from the Brighton and Hove Progressive Synagogue in Hove to the former Chichester District Museum renovated into apartments and a brand-new scheme for a primary school in Barns Green. The launch was sponsored by Harvey’s Brewery, a longstanding supporter of the Sussex Heritage Trust. Often cited as ‘Sussex’s Brewing Heritage’, Harvey’s Brewery has been supplying beers, wines and spirits to the people of Sussex and its adjoining counties since the 18th Century.

Chairman, Dr John Godfrey DL, said: “2017 marks an important year for the Sussex Heritage Trust, being the 40th anniversary of the Trust, which was founded in 1977. With the help of Harvey’s Brewery, we are delighted to again launch the Sussex Heritage Trust Awards, which highlights the important work of the Trust: ‘to preserve, improve and encourage the appreciation of the architectural and natural landscape of Sussex.’

The winners of the 2017 Sussex Heritage Trust Awards will be announced on Thursday 6 July 2017 at 12.30pm at Pangdean Old Barn, London Road, Pyecombe and presented by the President of Sussex Heritage Trust, The Rt Hon Lord Egremont DL.

For more information or an entry pack please contact the Sussex Heritage Trust office on 01243 576524 or info@sussexheritagetrust.com or keep in touch via social media:

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