How a sports-first marketing strategy guarantees long-term loyalty in a post-cookie world

8th February 2024

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With this year’s sell-out Super Bowl highlighting the importance of a sports audience advertising strategy, data and programmatic expert Crimtan points to sport-centric marketing as a vital tool for brands seeking long-term customer loyalty.

According to research by MRI Simmons, sports fans exhibit a 28% higher likelihood of paying attention to commercials. In a post-cookie landscape, programmatic advertisers are turning to sport-based approaches to harness audience context and effectively engage viewers.

This year’s impending disappearance of third-party cookies has elevated the significance of leveraging a single connected platform that can facilitate gathering consent, profiling and dynamic delivery in real time. Crimtan has long advocated for brands to be more agnostic across planning, activation and measurement, alongside integrating AI technology and leveraging Dynamic Creative Optimisation in their advertising strategies. Through using dynamic delivery, and crafting ads that dynamically respond to live scores or changing game odds, brands can not only capture the attention of high-value fans but also stimulate increased clicks and engagement, enhancing the overall effectiveness of campaigns.

Additionally, an omnichannel approach in sports advertising maximises brand engagement by seamlessly connecting with enthusiasts across content engagement platforms. Leveraging real-time game data and creative content across TV, social media, mobile apps, and more enhances fan experience, deepens connections with existing audiences, and taps into new fan bases.

Advertisers are also having to adapt strategies to reach younger viewers who engage with sports differently. The upcoming Super Bowl is proof of this shift with kid-friendly animations and characters. To maximise this, advertisers need to embrace a cross-device approach, navigating diverse streaming apps and environments as such adaptability is crucial and requires robust analytics platforms to seamlessly consolidate data and audience profiles.

When it comes to making the shift to sport-based marketing, Crimtan has joined forces with Planet Sports to launch Sport Intent. This ground-breaking new dataset and dashboard revolutionises the way brands plan, target and measure against data from over 20 million sports enthusiasts by enabling advertisers to target audiences effectively, maximising advertising ROI.

Andy Houstoun, Chief Commercial Officer at Crimtan, said: “Whether the goal is global brand awareness, targeted advertising campaigns for ticket sales and merchandise or pinpointing specific markets to boost broadcast viewership, Sport Intent provides a comprehensive solution for marketers worldwide.

“The world of advertising is going to change beyond all recognition in 2024 with the final goodbye to third party cookies. But this is not a new challenge. Since Apple’s ITP in 2017, we have been finessing our connected cookieless platform for efficient planning, activation and measurement.

“By partnering directly with premium content owners like Planet Sport, we have an authentic set of fully compliant, real-time audience intent signals to combine with other data components such as live game data. This means we can build high-performing campaigns with transparent measurement from end-to-end, allowing brands to truly understand what drives good performance.”

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