How to make your networking count

10th July 2023

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Hannah Jackson, Membership and Marketing Manager at Brighton Chamber, shares some top tips to make your business networking count – and that doesn’t just mean business leads. 

Networking for business is essential, whether it’s to find business leads, collaborators or supportive business friends to help move your big ideas forward. 

But we know that when you’re busy running or working in a business, you need to make every second count – and that goes for networking events too. 

So, here are my top tips for meaningful networking that leads to successful results (and that doesn’t just mean business leads). Handy for the nervous networker, or the seasoned networking pro.

Picking an event

Okay so I’ve snuck this one in a little early, but it’s important! If you’re a bit nervous about networking or aren’t as practiced as you’d like, it’s much easier to chat to people and keep conversation flowing if you’ve got a crutch, are engaging with content you’re interested in, or feel comfortable in your environment.

Have a look at what the content of the events are. If pure networking is your thing, come along to a Chamber Slo-mo Networking for structured and efficient networking. For free-flowing and relaxed conversations, try out our Netwalking events (walking, talking and networking). For fun networking with a focus, socials and behind-the-scenes at new and exciting places around Brighton are probably for you.

Who do you want to meet?

This goes for any networking event – always check who’s coming along before you get there. At the Chamber, we send out the attendee list with our confirmation email a few days beforehand, so have a look through and think about who you’d like to meet.

Pick a small handful of people who you’d like to speak to, and you can go in with a plan. Connect with them on LinkedIn beforehand for an easy hello – and to find out what they look like! 

Don’t be shy on the day either. If you spot someone (or want to spot someone but don’t know what they look like), let the organisers know. 

On the day

We’ve some great blogs on our website with tips for networking, but here are the headlines: 

• Get there a little early – people will arrive and come to you!

• Make sure people know how to follow up with you (bring your business cards, or use LinkedIn’s swanky QR code for instant connections).

• Be helpful, kind, and don’t push the sales. People remember people, not pitches.

And, if it’s a Chamber event, we’ll make sure first-time attendees have a friendly face to buddy up with on the day. 

So, you’ve been to a networking event – what now?

Making the most out of coming to an event isn’t just about turning up on the day. You’ll get more out of going if you follow up with the people you spoke to (and make it personalised).

We’ll send an updated attendee list round afterwards with everyone who came along, and their business name. Use that to help with your follow-ups, and if there was someone you missed on the day – why not pop them a message on LinkedIn? 

If you missed someone at a Chamber event, let us know! We can facilitate a virtual introduction over email.  

Keep at it and be patient

Last but certainly not least – networking can be a long game – so to really make the most of going to a networking event, my best advice is to be consistent! Build good networking habits and reap the rewards. 

Brighton Chamber is a dynamic, inclusive and welcoming membership organisation for businesses of all sizes. Head over to for networking events and more.

Photograph by Beth Wild Photography.