“I get to” not “I’ve got to”

8th August 2021

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I hope all of you reading or listening to this are already feeling motivated and positive about your lives but perhaps you’re not. 

Either way, I’d like to share something with you today that illustrates how beneficial the kind of life “tools” I share with my coaching clients can be for everyone.

It involves simply making one small change in the way you think about your daily activities. In fact, it’s just a matter of substituting one word with another. Something this simple may sound as if it could make no significant difference to your life. We are so used to thinking that improvements come about through struggle. However, I encourage you to just try this one small change in your life and then experience the difference in your mental attitude and state of wellbeing. 

This is a shift in your inner state of mind that can begin as soon as you wake up each morning. Just try it: Instead of “I’ve got to go to the gym today” try “I get to go to the gym today;” or “I get to go back to work now” as opposed to “I’ve got to go back to work now.” Just think of something you are currently feeling pressurised by and switch it around.

What we tell ourselves about what we do each day deeply impacts our state of mind and our mood. This simple shift, replacing one little word with another, can make the most intense change in your perspective. It is the most life-altering realisation you can have as it can be applied to absolutely everything that you do. It transformed my own life and I propose it can do the same for you.

Start replacing “I’ve got to” with “I get to.” Then just feel the change. It’s all about the incredible realisation, sometimes so deeply buried that we actually forget it, that in reality, we are making choices. So often we can forget this incredible fact and in doing so, we can end up feeling oppressed by our own lives rather than active and purposeful creators of them. 

Real wealth, meaningful wealth, is not about adding to your bank balance – although we all like to do that – it’s about being able to choose and the amazing truth is that you do get to make choices every minute of every day. 

In my own life I discovered that how we think about things governs our entire outlook on life and consequently, how we feel. So by making a change in our thinking we change our whole relationship to our lives and everything in them.

That’s why I combine my work as a Personal Trainer with Life Coaching and high performance mentoring, as well as offering both disciplines separately. When Mind and Body come together and work together harmoniously in an integrated way we can then realise the untapped potential within ourselves and often far surpass our previous expectations. 

Take care and live with purpose!

James Lambert