International Women’s Day A Seat at the Big Table

5th March 2021

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Every year on the 8th March, women across the globe celebrate International Women’s Day.

It provides a great opportunity for women in business and communities to come together to celebrate successes, share experiences and inspire others too.

Last year, Healys Women in Business hosted MAKING HERSTORY at Brighton Palace Pier. Over 150 professionals attended the event and the energy was electric. Award winning comedy coaches ‘Funny Women’ hosted their ‘Her-larious” workshop, which got guests on their feet; chanting and laughing in mixed teams. The event’s sense of togetherness and empowerment was irresistible and led to a range of 150 women in business, showcasing confidence through public speaking, use of humour, team work and more.

The event also included a panel of some of Sussex’s leading Women in Business. Each panellist had their own experiences and perspectives which were interesting and inspiring to listen to. We explored finance, competing in corporate environments, barriers in existing work models, aging, imposter syndrome, and juggling family responsibilities alongside work commitments. These discussions highlighted that in recent years there have been positive changes that have supported women to lead and make history. However there was more that still needed to be achieved to overcome existing barriers.

Last year IG reported that only five percent of FTSE 100 companies were directed by women. This field remains highly dominated by men who make up the remaining 95%. Data also shows that women in business still struggle more so then their male counter parts for venture capital (VC) investments. In 2019, research commissioned by former Chancellor, Philip Hammond, showed that female-led start-ups receive just one penny for every pound of VC investment in the UK. This compares starkly, according to the British Business Bank and Financial Times, to the 89% of funds invested in all-male start-up teams.  The remaining 10% of funds go to mixed gender teams.

These statistics remind us that women in business are still seeking to break through that ‘glass ceiling’ to establish an equal playing field for career ascension and business progression. For women of colour in the workplace, this glass may be even harder to break, with the statistics being even lower.

I remember reflecting on my experiences as a woman in business when listening to speakers at MAKING HERSTORY International Women’s Day event last year. I remember questioning whether I considered the barriers that I had experienced (or sometimes witnessed) to be a reflection of my gender, race or both.

This year, Forbes reported that there are no black CEOs and CFOs in the UK’s 100 largest companies in the FTSE-100 index. Recent statistics also highlight that just under 1% of venture capital investment in the UK went to black entrepreneurs across the last 10 years, with black female entrepreneurs receiving just 0.02% of this funding.

Many of these issues require institutional reviews and further support to establish a more inclusive and diverse playing field in business. However there is increasingly more support available.

Expand Your Professional Network:

One of the causes of this inequality is the lack of accessibility to the required business networks that support business ventures or to the key decision makers. Although networking can be extremely daunting, it’s a must in order to maximise your business and profile.

There are a range of networks in Sussex that attract a range of friendly and innovative professionals including Sussex Innovation Network, Healys Women in Business, Sussex County Business Club, The Boundary Club, Network my Club, Ladies Lunch Club, Platinum Business Club, Mumtrepreneur Network Club, Women of Colour Brighton and many more.

Get Professional Support:

Seek experienced corporate and commercial lawyers, accountants and financial advisors! One of the perks of working as a Business Development & Marketing Manager at Healys LLP, is having the opportunity to work alongside some influential women who are leaders in their fields. Our team support a range of clients to broaden professional connections, as well as provide advice and support. Don’t let any perceived barriers prevent you from seeking professional advice as there are people like us who are willing to explore how we can help you.

Embrace Confidence:

Regardless of age, gender or race, it is essential that you do not focus on what has historically worked against women. Whether it is a job interview, a new meeting or networking event, remember you (like everyone else) have already earned your seat at the table. Although social barriers exist and can be extremely challenging, it is ultimately our decision whether we choose to accept this. Our focus is much more invested when it is spent on what can be achieved. Whenever possible, live in the minute; rise to challenges, enjoy the journey of growth, and embrace every minute.

A huge thank you to all of the businesses who have partnered with Healys Women in Business to support & promote International Women’s Day. Investec, MHA Carpenter Box, Brighton Gin, Cloud9 Insight, Clearline Recruitment, Gemini Print, Brighton Palace Pier, Dynamic, Funny WomenMy Brighton Hotel

For more information about Healys LLP and their available corporate & commercial service offerings for entrepreneurs, please don’t hesitate to visit their website.