Introducing Moulsecoomb Stories

7th March 2022

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As a tribute to the Plus X Brighton and wider Moulsecoomb communities, the team at Plus X has curated a fantastic storybook that showcases the community-wide collaboration taking place in Moulsecoomb, Brighton.  

Positive social impact, collaboration and innovation are at the heart of the Plus X model and so the organisation champions ways to engage with the local community. Moulsecoomb Stories is exactly that!   

Moulsecoomb Stories is a beautifully presented report that uncovers the social impact Plus X Brighton and its members has had on the local community since opening in July 2020. The storybook tells the narrative of the scaling disruptors, social impact champions and change-makers that are innovating for good.  

Plus X Brighton is situated on the previously derelict Ministry of Defence site Preston Barracks. The report focuses on the people, ideas, culture and impact that has encapsulated Preston Barracks since its regeneration began in 2017, in partnership with U+I, the University of Brighton, and Brighton and Hove City Council.  

Since opening in July 2020, Plus X Brighton has become home to more than 130 innovative businesses, supported over 75 scaleups through the BRITE innovation project, and housed more than 400 members from businesses large and small.  

The report uncovers the journey of the very inception of Plus X by Co-CEOs Mat Hunter and Paul Rostas, all the way through to the social impact that the Brighton innovation hub has seen in its early years. Learn more about the Plus X Brighton prototyping workshop, the BRITE and Better World Collective innovation programmes, and meet the local talent that make Plus X Brighton such a wonderful place to work.  

The book includes features from local inspirational innovators and community players including Plus X artist in residence Lois O’Hara; Team Domenica, the social enterprise charity that runs Café Domenica on Plus X Brighton’s ground floor; and the Art of Inclusion photography exhibitions created in partnership with Urbanflo Creative.  

Moulsecoomb Stories also highlights some of the bold thinkers that make up the Plus X Brighton community. Meet Naurt, the Brighton startup reimagining location data technology. And, learn about MarinaTex, an innovative business led by Lucy Hughes, that created an eco-friendly alternative to single-use plastic from waste from the fishing industry.  

The curation of the book saw collaboration from across the Moulsecoomb Community: from illustrations from the hugely talented local designer Victor Hagger, and photography from Plus X Brighton’s very own filmmaker Zachary Hyland. The book was printed at Ganda Media located by Moulsecoomb Community Leisure Centre.  

Interested in reading this storybook? Pop into Plus X Brighton to read a copy now! They are located all throughout the building and the ground floor café. Alternatively, you can visit our website to read it online now: