Jackie’s Networking Adventures

7th July 2022

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Best of British – Mike Tindall at The Grand Hotel

On Friday the 10th June I was lucky enough to attend The Best of British at the grand hotel, not only as a table co-host but also as a Rockinghorse volunteer. SBT were absolutely delighted to be the media partner for this fantastic event.

In a previous work life before I started working for Sam, I used to volunteer with Rockinghorse for many of their events and it was great to be back as a volunteer after a few years away. 

The speaker for this Best of British lunch was the one and only rugby legend Mike Tindall. Now, if im completely honest, I didn’t know much about Mike as a rugby player or a royal… However, what an amazing man. Mike did not disappoint; he came across as a true gentleman. He was funny, he was entertaining and he was very interesting. To date, I can honestly say he was my favourite speaker and I am now a huge fan. 

The whole day, from start to finish, was amazing. The room looked incredible, the food was fantastic, as usual, and the team of volunteers did a great job helping to assist with all the fundraising activity. Ryan, Stella and Ann never fail to put on the best events. If you’ve not been to one then I can not recommend enough you try one of the upcoming events this year. 

Every event has a guest speaker who has a great story to tell. You will have a wonderful day with several hundred other local businesspeople. Networking over a sporting lunch, what’s not to like?

Best of British Events have donated a whopping £45,000 to Rockinghorse Children’s Charity alone, in the last 9 months which is incredible coming out of a pandemic.

To find out more about the Best of British events visit their page https://bestofbritish.org.uk/

The Big Business Breakfast Club

The Big Business Breakfast Club takes place on the third Friday of every month at a different iconic Brighton venue each time in support of various local charities from across Sussex.

Hosted by Jim Cunliffe, of Nettl.com, Steve Darby, of City Utilities, and Janella Merritt, of Rockinghorse, you can except to network with in excess of 60 like-minded businesspeople from across Brighton and wider Sussex, with an informative guest speaker each month alongside Alex Ryan, of Marketing 101, with his marketing tips.

Last month, we were joined by Yaron Engler (CROP ® Method) in a Q&A with Sam Thomas. Yaron is an educator, coach, husband, father and world-class musician. For over 25 years he has led artistic and educational projects across Europe, USA, Asia and Australia, including being a featured speaker at TEDxJaffa. This blend of experience provides a deep and meaningful resource for participants in his evolving suite of programmes.

The County Business Clubs’ team could not be more delighted to announce that, going forward, we will be joining forces with BBBC to bring you an even bigger and better networking breakfast. The team is also pleased to welcome the very first sponsor next month – Chris Mansfield, of Fusion – The Business Catalyst, at The Hilton Metropole.

If you are interested in learning more about becoming a sponsor of the BBBC, then please get in touch with the team at team@bigbusinessbreakfastclub.co.uk

Speedee-boarding – Hove lagoon

Well, this was certainly networking and fundraising with a difference. 

On Thursday, June 16, Hove Lagoon alongside Neil Laughton hosted the world’s greatest SUP (stand up paddle) boarding relay race tournament. Bringing families, friends, work colleagues and the public together for an afternoon of entertainment and raising money for charity. Each team chose their own charity, seeing over 20 different charities benefiting from this event. 

Twenty-eight teams of four (most having never set foot on a paddle board before) competed in heats to qualify for one of two finals. 

My team consisted of Sam Thomas, an OK SUP boarder, alongside myself, Keith Carr and Alex Ryan – complete beginners! We did OK. We didn’t win but we didn’t come last either so, all in all, a great effort. My favourite part of the event was the demolition derby, each person out for themselves. Paige Collins, Keith Carr, apologies for the attack! Mark Newman, I am not sorry for taking you down – especially being the pro boarder you are!!!

A big shout out to Neil and his team of volunteers. The day was seamlessly run and was one of the most entertaining and fun afternoons I’ve had in a long time.

The day ended with a BBQ, drinks and music on one of the hottest days so far this year. Perfect.

Big congratulations to the winners of the event, Sussex Cancer Fund, and their fantastic foursome of boarders.

Boundary Club – Hove

The boundary club is Sussex Cricket’s own unique networking and membership club where business meets cricket, hosted on the boundary’s edge.

Thursday 26th May was a slightly different Boundary Club as we were fortunate enough to stay after the event for the T20 against Glamorgan, which was a great game of cricket (although we didn’t win).

The day started with welcome drinks and an opportunity to network with new and familiar faces. Followed by a fantastic three-course lunch. The food never disappoints at Boundary and, if I’m honest, probably one of favourites when it comes to the food. The presentation is superb and the food choice is so different each month.

This month’s speaker was James Elliot, a mental and resilience coach. James had an incredible story to tell, starting with his 14 years in the British Army, pursuing a career in mental resilience delivery. He has worked with elite performance athletes, including gold medallists, special forces and rugby players.

Also an accredited psychotherapist, he works with veterans to help them find their way in what can often be an increasingly confusing and overwhelming, changing environment. If that wasn’t enough, James also holds two Guinness World Records for feats of endurance.

Another very inspiring and fascinating speaker to come from Boundary Club.

I can’t comment much on the actual cricket as I’m no expert but the highlight for me was definitely Jermaine Weeden attempting a catch as the ball came across the boundary, however James also had a full glass of red wine (well he did before the attempted catch).