Joining the Premier Division

9th May 2016

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Auditel, the UK’s leading cost management specialists, joined Eastbourne unLtd Chamber of Commerce as Premier Members in 2015 after a recommendation from Chamber President, Tim Cobb.

Although confident of her negotiating skills with suppliers, CEO Christina Ewbank explains: “I felt that an independent and impartial review of our costs was an opportunity that was too good to miss and I was keen to try the Auditel service for the Chamber. The potential value to us was obvious so I engaged Ian Hopping and Eddie Finch from Auditel Sussex to examine our expenditure on energy, stationery and merchant services”.

The Chamber’s business premises are relatively small and their expenditure not massive, however the results were very impressive.  After reviewing the Chamber’s spend over the last 12 months Auditel were able to produce some very pleasing results. A new electricity contract was put in place saving over 10% from the previous tariff and stationery savings of 17% were identified. However, best of all was a fantastic saving of 59% on merchant card fees!

Christina continues, “It’s not just the savings that have impressed me. Auditel have saved me so much time, allowing me to get on with my real work for our members.  I have no hesitation in recommending Auditel to our members, especially those taking credit and debit cards!”.

For further information, contact Auditel on 01323 819379 or email

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