June Recipe of the Month

14th June 2019

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(suitable for vegetarians)

This month’s recipe is brought to you by Uncle George Antoni
info@dasaki.co.uk www.dasaki.co.uk

June recipe of the month

large aubergines cut into
2cm rounds – x3
Waxy potatoes cut into
1cm slices – 1kg (see notes)
Medium brown onions – x3
1 and 1/2 rounds feta (see notes)
Tinned plum tomatoes – x3
Ground cinnamon – x 1/2 tsp
Bay Leaves – x2
Salt and pepper
Tablespoons red wine vinegar – x2
Tsps dried oregano – x2
Tablespoons chopped parsley – x2
Extra virgin olive oil
Vegetable oil (see notes)

Béchamel Sauce:
Butter – 150g
Whole milk – x2 pints
Plain flour – x3 Tablespoons
Green Salad:
2 heads romain lettuce – shredded
1 head crunchy iceberg – shredded
3 green bell peppers – finely sliced
1 jar cornichons – roughly chopped
small bunch of dill – roughly chopped
5 Spring onions – Sliced

Toss together all of the above and dress with salt, pepper, juice of 1 lemon, extra virgin Greek olive oil

Shallow fry potatoes in olive oil till golden brown on both sides. Place in colander to drain.

Fry onions till soft and golden. Add tomatoes, oregano, salt, pepper, cinnamon. Cook.

Grill aubergine, brushing with salted olive oil, till golden brown on both sides.

Heat oven to 160 fan.
In a deep dish, approximately 30 x 40 cm, start layering, tomato sauce, potatoes, sauce, crumbled feta, aubergine, sauce, potato, crumbled feta.
Now make the Béchamel. Melt butter, add flour to make a rouille. Add salt and pepper. Slowly add milk to make thick white sauce, then pour over layered dish.

Crumble a little more feta on top and cook in over for one hour or until potatoes are cooked through and top is golden.

The feta really needs to be the fresh creamy kind that comes in rounds and is in it’s salted water. Asda do a very good brand in a tall can which is called Yesilova Krembeyaz.

Potatoes – Essential they are waxy – ideal Maribel potatoes from Asda.
Vegetable oil – ideally rapeseed which most veg oils are.


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