Karen Dobres guest speaker at networking breakfast

5th May 2023

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After another sell out event, join the Big Business Breakfast Club on Friday 19th May at Brighton i360, from 8am.

Our special guest speaker for May is Karen Dobres, alongside Alex Ryan from Marketing 101 with his marketing hints and tips. We give you plenty of time to meet other likeminded businesspeople in the room.

As ever, our guest sponsor, Brighton CCTV’s Chris Dean, gets to choose the month’s charity, and for May that will be the Somerset Centre, where Rob Henly will be with us, highlighting what the charity does in the local community. Please show your support and make a generous donation when you purchase your ticket, which they’ll get directly. 

May’s sponsor, Chris Dean – Brighton CCTV

Brighton CCTV delivers system design, installation and maintenance from stand-alone residential projects to the latest in multi-networked camera systems for industry and the public sector. It can design and install high-resolution systems to suit all budgets. Excellent customer service is paramount, starting with a free site survey and continuing with ongoing help and support through remote maintenance monitoring.

Sponsor’s nominated charity – The Somerset Centre

Day services at The Somerset Centre are available to older people (over 50 years or where there is a need) who welcome some support during the day and benefit from meeting with others from within their local community.

The centre aims to promote independence and enhance the quality of life of those who attend, hoping that their members enjoy going and treat everyone who attends with dignity and respect. All are valued members of the community.

Guest speaker- Karen Dobres

After becoming community-owned, Lewes Football Club (LFC) was the first football club in the world to assign equal playing budgets, raising the women’s budget to match the men’s.

Elected co-director Karen Dobres will share how LFC worked hard against the sexism that pervades sport today by welcoming unwelcome women to the game and attracting sponsors who align their message.

We look forward to seeing you all on Friday 19th May. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us. The 19th is also National Bike To Work day – so we’ll make sure we have plenty of storage available for your helmets!

Book here now: https://www.bigbusinessbreakfastclub.co.uk/

If you are interested in learning more about becoming a sponsor of the BBBC then, please get in touch with the team at team@bigbusinessbreakfastclub.co.uk