Knill James Continues to Expand After Another Fantastic Year

14th December 2016

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Oliver Weston, Corporate Finance Executive
Oliver Weston, Corporate Finance Executive

Knill James Chartered Accountants has appointed three new members of staff this month, following a successful year that saw the firm being named Lewes Business of the Year by the Lewes and District Round Table


The Sussex-based firm, which celebrates its 130th birthday next year, is made up of a 60-strong team and is on course for continued expansion. 

Melanie Muir, Manager of Outsourcing
Melanie Muir, Manager of Outsourcing

Kevin Powell, Senior Partner at Knill James, said: “We’ve had another fantastic year and are delighted to be growing our team further with three great new additions who we know will add to the service we already provide our clients.”

All three staff members have now taken up their posts. Melanie Muir has been appointed as Manager of Outsourcing, while Oliver Weston takes on the job of Corporate Finance Executive and Nicola Attwood slots into the role of Accounts Assistant and Bookkeeper.   

Knill James is a member of the UK200Group and offers bespoke strategies to help clients – from individuals to large companies – to optimise their tax affairs. Other services include Business Services, Audit and Assurance, Corporate Finance, Business Strategy, Wealth Management and Payroll.

Nicola Attwood, Accounts Assist and Bookkeeper
Nicola Attwood, Accounts Assist and Bookkeeper

Knill James also offers its own Tax App, using latest technology to provide clients with useful tax tools and information via their mobile device. It can be downloaded for free from the App Store for Apple devices and from Google Play for Android devices. 

For more details please visit:

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