Laurence Elphick confesses to being Sid the Shark…once!

8th August 2021

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Having supported Sussex as a boy, my love for the Club really blossomed when a previous career allowed me to meet and interview some of the great players to represent our fine County, from former Captain, Chris Adams and legendary spinner Mushtaq Ahmed to players that represent England today, namely Chris Jordan, Jofra Archer and Phil Salt.

However, my adoration for the Sharks shifted to a different level back in 2018, when I was asked to be the Club’s mascot Sid the Shark. Having previously enjoyed stints dressed up as Marvin the Monkey and the Easter Bunny, I jumped at the chance.

Having pictures taken with supporters young and old, being there in the middle with both Captains for the coin toss AND being on Sky TV was a dream come true! After getting my instructions before each game about how I was expected to perform, I donned my costume and stepped out to mingle with the masses.

Shortly into my debut, an extremely pleasant child decided it would be hilarious to punch me in the proverbials! Cue a hurried order on Amazon for a protective ‘box’. 

My favourite memories as Sid included hugging businessmen and women who had absolutely no idea it was me and who would have normally been accustomed to seeing me in a suit and tie! Sitting in amongst the crowd as Sid at the front of The Jointing Tech Sharks Stand was electrifying and one game stands out against Glamorgan when Rashid Khan was inspired with 3 wickets for 9 runs and pace bowler Tymal Mills took a scintillating hattrick as the opposition were skittled for just 88 runs. After vociferously celebrating each wicket no sooner had I sat down trying to get my breath back (wearing Sid is hot work!) and I was back up again. I distinctly remember being jumped on by some overly excited Rashid supporters, nearly losing my costume head in the process!

An incredible experience, but I had completely forgotten!? As Sussex had made it to finals day at Edgbaston, I was expected to take part in the mascot race, which would be live on Sky AND in front of 25,000 cricket fans!! Knowing I was very unfit and dreading the thought of making a fool of myself, I reluctantly agreed to take part. I recall the day was particularly warm and the mascots representing the other counties were generally guys in their twenties!  While I was sweating buckets, waiting for the race to begin, I distinctly remember a chap saying he’d put some money on me to win!!?

Unfortunately, it went downhill from there. For Sid, the race was a disaster, his foot came off after 10 yards (if that!) and whilst trying to recover said item of clothing, he got completely disorientated, and only managed to complete two obstacles, before realising the race had finished and the other obstacles had been dismantled because he was taking so long!? The humiliation of not completing the race was marginally improved by the fact that no-one knew it was me!

Later this month, Sussex have a quarter final tie at Headingley and victory will mean a trip to finals day where you’ll be delighted to hear I WON’T be letting Sussex down, as the Club very sensibly traded me in for a younger model.