Lawyers branching out on their own no longer have to feel alone, says Extech Cloud

17th May 2021

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Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, many ambitious entrepreneurs within the legal system have chosen to branch out and go solo. With the help of Sussex-based Microsoft Partner, Extech Cloud, lawyers don’t have to feel alone.

“As much as the legal industry is ahead in some areas, when it comes to IT, it’s often still in the dark ages due to consultants and previous IT companies pulling the wool over the industry’s eyes and opting for what’s easier, instead of what would be best,” explains Andrew Hookway, Managing Director of Burgess Hill firm Extech Cloud.

Before creating Extech Cloud, Andrew initially ran a large corporate firm for 10 years before deciding to go his own way.

“The pandemic has changed so much about people’s day-to-day routines. More so than ever, we’re tending to find that people are wanting change and the legal industry is no exception,” adds Andrew.

Extech Cloud has spoken with people who’ve decided that enough is enough and that it’s time to retire, along with many who’ve decided they want a change in career. More so than ever, they’ve heard from people who have taken the brave decision to set up their own businesses.

In 2020 alone, over 13,000 new businesses were registered. The pandemic pushed people to do what they’d maybe been holding back from doing in previous years. What’s more, it showed that businesses can be setup from the comfort of your own home and that with the right systems in place, a lot can be achieved!

Lawyers who are leaving firms and branching out to begin a solo venture may think that going solo means that they are ‘solo’ when it comes to having IT support, however that’s not the case. Extech Cloud is on-hand to provide those in the legal industry with everything they need, including help with taking steps towards a new way of working through cloud transformation.

To put it simply, if you carry on doing what you’ve done in previous years, you’re not going to get anything different. Systems won’t magically improve themselves overnight! However, once you do put plans into place for an Extech Cloud IT transformation, you will see results and be able to see a real return on your investment.

Don’t be scared – a talk with Extech Cloud doesn’t have to be anything big. You won’t have to make any solid plans, we prefer to have an informal chat about your business, your systems and see where we could help you to make significant improvements.

“To date, we have completed hundreds of cloud transformation projects, saving our customers thousands of pounds, improving their overall performance, and making their staff happier as a result,” says Andrew.

Whether it is through moving all work to the cloud or finding new and innovative solutions to working remotely, Extech Cloud can provide customers with all necessary services under one roof, to help get them up and running in no time.

Concerns such as setting up with the right equipment, cabling options, or a more significant threat such as cybersecurity are inevitable when running your own business, however, the team at Extech Cloud are experts in helping the legal sector to adopt new technologies and keep ahead of competition.

Although the team at Extech Cloud works with start-ups and small businesses, they have also completed digital transformations for much larger legal firms such as Hunters Law LLP, who initially contacted Extech Cloud looking for a solution to upgrade its servers and overall infrastructure. When they were informed this was not possible by another IT company, they sought to find other service providers.

The team of experts at Extech Cloud has spent years working on, and refining, the journey to the cloud, making it a simple and smooth transition for businesses, like Hunters Law, to work effectively at anytime, anywhere. To date, the team has completed hundreds of cloud transformation projects, saving customers thousands of pounds, improving their overall performance, and making their staff happier as a result.

Extech Cloud’s purpose is to engineer a flexible community and empower organisations, and people, achieve more and nothing makes the team prouder than seeing what can be achieved and the difference it can make to business owners long-term.

If you’ve recently gone solo or are planning on doing so shortly and you’re concerned about being alone when it comes to your IT, fear not…we would be delighted to help you get your business off to a flying start!

For more information about digital transformation, visit, call the Team on +44 (0) 1444 443200 or email