Learnings from over half a decade of business trade shows

10th July 2023

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Sonny Cutting shares top tips on how to make new connections at expos.

September 28 will mark our sixth anniversary of running trade shows. Six years ago, I had a successful digital marketing agency in Sussex. Before that, I worked for BT as a New Media Specialist – talking to people has always been in my veins, but now the connection is on a much larger scale. 

In just half a decade, my eyes have been opened to how much work is involved in organising expos and how powerful they can be in connecting individuals.

Like many others, I built my business up from next to nothing. My market research into trade shows was going to other people’s events; seeing how to run them (and what to avoid!). By attending events, conferences and networking – across the south in Sussex, Surrey, Hampshire and Kent – I started to see how the bigger picture fitted together. Ultimately the expo business is complex, with many moving elements and cogs to organise and manage. 

Face-to-face events are powerful in creating strong business communities. Face-to-face events do more than merely provide you with leads; they give you the rare opportunity to form bonds with like-minded, driven business people. Face-to-face events offer companies the opportunity to share their experiences in the world of business and learn from one another. Forging relationships through coming together and supporting each other is much more sustainable than simply turning up and trying to sell to everyone in sight.

Over the last six years of running events, I’ve learned that people are incredibly friendly, open and honest about their businesses, if you’re open and honest about yours. 

Follow my top five tips to help you connect with individuals at a trade show if you’re an exhibitor, whether it’s your first time or if you’re a seasoned pro. 

1. Have a game plan

Before the trade show begins, speak to your team so that you know what you’re looking to achieve with attendees to the event. Don’t just show up and wing it!

2. Stand out and be seen

It’s your chance to level the playing field against other businesses, make sure that you go to another event before exhibiting at one to do some market research.

3. Never go to a trade show alone

Always take an extra pair of hands (it does not look professional if you wander off to network or have lunch and no one is on your stand).

4. Always take a tablecloth for your table, if you’re using one

Take my very seasoned word for the truth – event trestle tables are usually tatty! So, smarten up your stand, and even better take one in your branded colour.

5. Get social!

It’s mega important to be socially active before, during and after events. This adds another layer to your business and gets you out there. We do this by adding in our own hashtags and offering prizes for the most shares with #SussexBizShow @SussexBizShow – try it now and you never know, you may even win a prize!

Exhibitors have a lot to think about when setting up for a B2B trade show.

Now imagine what the Expo Organiser has to do….

Here’s to marking the 28th September with a glass of wine to celebrate six years in business with Network Xpress Ltd, the brand which powers the Sussex Business Show, The Tiger’s Pen, The Director’s Hub and The Entrepreneurs’ Journey. 
