‘Loneliness is something that affects us all – people are the solution’

8th December 2023

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The CEO of Together Co knows connection and community are key to solving loneliness

Watching people eating together and realising she had no one to have dinner with is what spurred April Baker on to make changes to her life and seek the connection she craved.

The CEO of Brighton loneliness charity Together Co was in her 20s, single, and living in a house share with people in London when she realised, she needed to make changes for her own mental health.

From the outside she appeared young and carefree, with a successful career in the charity sector.

In reality, she was lonely and dealing with daily panic attacks, and felt like she was dipping in and out of other people’s lives with no sense of where she belonged.

When agoraphobia stopped her from using public transport and left her struggling to open the front door, April knew things had to change.

Working in hostels she saw the need for connection and community as well as how important it was that everyone should have a roof over their head.

She said: “In our society we are so focused on working with the individual. We need to look at the social element and how we can connect people again.”

April now works as CEO for Together Co which helps thousands of people in Brighton and Hove through befriending and social prescribing.

She believes that in a crisis we automatically look for connection, pulling together to help each other out.

She said: “I don’t want us to stop talking about loneliness because of the stigma attached to it. It’s ok to talk about mental health. Loneliness is something that affects us all, but it is people who are also the solution.”

Together Co is dedicated to creating environments for people to thrive, not just survive, and recognise the transformative power of strong relationships and social connections. They have been working across the city for over 20 years, connecting communities, so everyone has someone.

Together Co offers volunteering opportunities which can make a huge difference to someone experiencing loneliness and isolation.

In that time, they have seen loneliness eased and lives changed, all through the simple power of human connection.

If you, or someone you know is affected by loneliness or social isolation, or you would like to talk to Together Co about how to develop connection in your business, you can find out more about Together Co’s services at their website, or email hello@togetherco.org.uk.