Made in Sussex: The Chalvington Group

29th February 2016

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Our home-grown hero this month is the Chalvington Group, who have been providing Telecommunications, Mobiles, Network Services and ICT Solutions in East Sussex since 1999…

CB Press PicIn 2000, Chalvington Communications Ltd began providing Business Telephone Systems to companies in East Sussex. Growing steadily over the following years, they launched their own network for business calls and lines, adding broadband and mobile services to complement the product range.

2012 saw a significant change in the direction of the company. The appointment of new Managing Director, Claire Baker and acquisition of ApexIS ICT Ltd led to the creation of ‘The Chalvington Group’ – home to five dedicated divisions (Comms, ICT, Network Services, Mobiles and Energy) and the platform for a brand new vision:

To constantly improve their customers’ experience, by understanding their business and their requirements, in order to provide a comprehensive business solution and through their research and development, to ensure their proposals are relevant and current.

Under Claire’s leadership, a full range of ICT services was launched, including hardware and software consultancy and sales, support, maintenance, business continuity planning and cloud/hosted environments. As with the other divisions, ICT is supported by a team of highly qualified engineers, committed to providing unbiased, independent advice and fast, efficient resolution of queries and faults via their specialised support desk and on-site services.

The new format proved popular with existing and new customers alike, leading to impressive increases in turnover, and recognition for the company in areas such as Customer Service, Employment and Contribution to the Community, along with accolades such as Best and Medium Business of the Year and Reseller of the Year by partners Zen and Pragma.

The acquisition of MB Commerce in 2015 created an additional division – Chalvington Online, providing commerce and web solutions and further expanding the availability of total solutions. Most recently they were awarded registration with the National Inspection Council for Electrical Installation Contracting (NICEIC) and now provide contract and domestic installations, as well as annual PAT testing services.

Asked about her vision for the future, Managing Director Claire Baker said:
‘It’s been an exciting few years for us and we’ve got no intention of it ending any time soon. We are a dynamic, forward-thinking organisation and we work hard to understand the needs of our customers. Our teams are constantly looking to source products and services which do this, both now and in the future. With the use of hosted Telecoms and IT solutions growing so rapidly, we continue to only install best of breed technology on assured services from reputable suppliers.

The biggest requirement is for everything ‘under one roof’. Companies are busier than ever and the feedback we consistently receive from potential customers, is that they’ve had enough of multiple suppliers passing the blame for issues to one another. They end up being a very frustrated ‘piggy in the middle’, when all they want to do is run their own businesses and get on with their jobs. With complete solutions from Chalvington, the buck really does stop with us’.

To find out more about the group
visit or call 01323 440555

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