Make Time For Health

22nd January 2016

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Arron Hopkinson provides a range of health and fitness tips for business people with a very busy schedule…


Often when people get busy, unfortunately exercise and good nutrition are the first things that go out the window. However, we have to remember that healthy living is just as important as work. Keeping up with exercise and healthy eating will majorly help with stress and also allow your body to function and perform through those busy work periods. Just remember your health is wealth!

Some useful tips on how to remain active and healthy despite a busy schedule:

Use your diary:

At the beginning of the week, I’ll look at my diary and figure out where I can fit in exercise, and write it in. The more specific, the better. For example, don’t just write “work out,” but something like “40 minute run” or “yoga — 1 hour.” Be sure to write it in a specific time slot, too, not just on that day in general. Treat exercise like any other concrete appointment or meeting you may have that you can’t skip, this will help to make sure you don’t cancel!


Work around work:

Generally motivation to exercise decreases as the day wears on, so it’s best to try and get your workout complete first thing. When the alarm goes off, I’m just like everyone else, I think, “Do I really have to do this?” However, try to visualise how great you will feel after your workout, and how frustrated you would feel later on if you skipped it. If working out first thing isn’t possible for you either because you really can’t do mornings – you have kids to prepare for their day or because you were up too late the night before (sleep is important!) – then pack workout clothes and exercise immediately following work. I know that if most people come home first, it’s likely they won’t make it back out, so try and go straight from work.


Get Social:

You’re much less likely to cancel a workout if you know someone is expecting to see you. Some people love having workout buddies, because then when the alarm goes off at 6:00 a.m., they know they have no choice but to get up because they’re buddy is waiting for them! This also helps to incorporate a social aspect to working out which many individuals enjoy. This will then encourage them to keep up and maintain attendance to the gym or exercise classes.


Plan your meals:

Preparing your lunches, snacks and dinners can really help some individuals. I believe this is where most people fall as they are too busy to cook or grab lunch so they quickly run into a fast food outlet mainly because it is quick, cheap and cheerful! Prep your meals on a Sunday evening so that you have good nutritious meals throughout the week. This is great for your health and also cost efficient.



If you would like to contact me personally regarding any information you have read in this column or would like any advice then please contact me via email at or via


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