Man on a mission…

5th May 2023

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Andrew Page of Seico Group has been busy this month securing funding in a rather different sector to his usual client base…

Dayo Oluwamuyiwa, Youth Leader of Elpis Ministries, describes here how Seico Group helped them achieve their funding challenge.

The challenge

Churches face a battle with funding – especially those that are not funded by the government. Repairs, maintenance, and day-to-day church activities can be challenging to fund. Elpis Ministries, (Elpis meaning the Greek word for Hope) has been running for 25 years and we have moved from pillar to post. 

The current premises, located in Walthamstow, has proved to be a challenge as we share the building with other occupants. Disabled access, privacy and wider church activities were impacted. 

Our aim has been for a very long time to own our own building giving us the freedom and space to fulfil our vision and mission of our church. Finding a suitable building was challenging, however securing funding was even more challenging. Traditional lenders are not always keen on lending to churches. The option that was found with the help of Andrew still required us to come up with extra funding.  

The solution

Andrew Page, of Seico Group, was an immense help and support in securing our premises. Andy discovered Charity Bank which was in a position to support our dreams of purchasing our own building. Through Andy’s introduction to Charity Bank, we now had a starting point, however we found ourselves short of the funds to complete the purchase. This proved another challenge as we were not aware of the alternative avenues available for us to purchase 8 Oaks Lane.   

As a church, we moved by faith and that faith was rewarded. Andy discovered SIB (Social Investment Business) who, at times, work hand-in-hand with Charity Bank. We followed the process and were given the funds to make up the shortfall in purchasing 8 Oaks Lane. Andy went far and beyond to ensure we secured the premises, and we are grateful for his input, time, effort and zeal in helping us seal the deal.  

We thoroughly recommend Andrew Page, his service is great, but more importantly he showed a genuine care and passion for us to make our dreams come true. Andy will remain a friend of Elpis and we look forward to working with him in the future.

If you have any unusual financing challenges, you can get in touch with Andy Page to discuss your options on: 01273 778888