Meet the Magic Man – Oscar Wolfstrome 

23rd August 2019

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After meeting Oscar at a recent event, SBT was completely blown away by his unbelievable magic. Intrigued, we immediately wanted to find out more and introduce him to our readers. 


Oscar Wolf takes pride in calling himself a magician.With hundreds of hours under his belt, perfecting techniques and deceptive practices – all to simply to mess with your mind and flip your reality – Oscar has a confident, artistic and stylish flare. He puts a fresh twist on the modernday conjurer, leaving you questioning if magic is actually real.  

He has a strong presence on all social media platforms which has resulted in him being invited to travel and perform his art across Europe.  

Oscar performs across the UK – at weddings, club nights, festivals, and exclusive private parties. In fact, there’s not an event that wouldn’t be made more memorable with Oscars magic – one that happens to be up-close, personal and right in-front of your eyes. 

What sets you apart as a magician? 

I feel that people dont expect me to be a magician. The way I look, talk and act is very different to what some may think a magician would typically be.  

What is important to your act? 

I want to redefine what a magician and what the art is. Sleight of hand is what I really focus on, and Ive always tried to stay on the path of impromptu sleights that I can do anywhere at any given time.  

What initially drew you to magic? 

Ive always been fascinated with magic – ever since my grandad showed me card tricks when I was young. I’d then watch every David Blaine and Dynamo special on TV and I loved it! I never thought it would be something that I would be able to do and I feel incredibly lucky that I have found the thing’ that I am passionate about and have been able to turn it into my vocation. My hands dont know what to do if I’m not moving cards or a coin around – its addictive!  

Does magic ever get boring? 

No! Theres so much to learn and to innovate that I know Ill never get bored. My mind tells me that if I think Im good enough then Im probably wrong, and that belief is what drives me to get better and better.  

What motivates you? 

Ive got to keep everything sharp, practical and beautiful – my aim is to surprise, to bring about that gasp’ – and to bring laughter to my audience. 

Oscar, who is only 24 years old, is at the beginning of his career yet he  has already performed for the famous, including most recently Amy Hart from Love Island and professional footballers Nacho Monreal, Callum Wilson and Lewis Dunk.  

He has great ambition and aims to become Brighton’s own well-known ‘magic man. 

We have already booked Oscar for the next SBT event. We urge our readers to do the same. After all, he really will blow your mind! 

For more information, contact Oscar: 


Instagram: oscarwolf 

Facebook: Oscar Wolf Magic