Member spotlight… Preston Insurance Brokers

18th August 2020

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Your business.Your insurance.

Tell us about Preston Insurance Brokers?

After 20 odd years in insurance, both with insurers and brokers, I started Preston Insurance Brokers in December 2012 with my business partner.

The aim was to position ourselves to become the insurance broker of choice for businesses in Sussex and surrounding areas. I am really proud of our achievements to date and the reputation earned over the last eight years by our terrific little (but growing) team!

Whilst we are certainly not finished in Sussex by any stretch of the imagination, an opportunity to take our renowned service into London presented itself at the beginning of the year and we are looking forward to delivering our service offering there as well.

What has been your biggest business challenge to date?

Other than Covid-19 (which has probably been the biggest challenge for most businesses), it would be balancing efficiencies and profitability without negatively impacting our Client service. Our reputation drives and grows our business and needs to be at the forefront of what we do, so whilst processes and procedures are massively important in delivering our service the Client experience must be at the forefront as it is the lifeblood of our business.

What has been your greatest or proudest business achievement to date?

The stats for new businesses failing in the first year are c20% and within their first 3 years 60%. So my proudest achievement to date is actually two-fold; starting up in the first place and still being around 8 years later!

What type of clients do you currently work with and who are you looking to meet?

We arrange and service all types of insurance for all kinds of business. This could be someone who owns a single let property, a business start-up or a company employing a few hundred people and everything in between.

Our client base is extremely varied both in business/industry type and size. We look after; commercial and residential property owners, manufacturers, retailers, motor traders, storage and distributors, construction, sports & leisure clubs, professional services, media & marketing, visitor attractions…The list goes on! If it’s a business, we can look after it! This means any business is a potential prospect for us.

We are very fortunate around 90% of our new clients come from recommendations, referrals and introductions from both our existing Clients and our wide range of introducers. When these opportunities arise they are priceless. When someone has the faith in your ability to recommend their contacts to you they are putting their own reputation on the line, it is the highest compliment we can receive.

The County Business Club members can be confident of us looking after anyone sent our way.

Tell us a fun fact about yourself that people might not know?

Most people reading this will probably know I play drums in a rock covers band, which is the thing I generate the most fun from a personal point of view.