Mental Health & Wellbeing Service available through Sussex Chamber

7th March 2022

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by Ana Christie, CEO, Sussex Chamber of Commerce

Take mental health seriously

Mental health is something that we all have and it’s something that can have a big impact on our lives, and the lives of those around us. We all have mental health, and it exists on a scale of good to poor, just like our physical health. A person who is considered ‘mentally healthy’ is able to make the most of their potential, deal with the stresses of life, and function personally, socially, and at work. It is important to understand mental health can change as circumstances change and as you move through different chapters of your life.

• Mental health problems are believed to affect around one in four people each year in the UK. 

• 51% of young people believe that anyone their age diagnosed with a mental health problem would be embarrassed. 

• The World Health Organisation reports that close to 800,000 people die by suicide worldwide every year.  

Mental health problems can vary from more short-term to more long-term and severe psychological issues. We can help to look after our own mental health by getting support when needed.

Sussex Chamber has a mental health & wellbeing service that helps businesses in the management of employee mental health. Our digital platform helps your business address mental health issues effectively and evidence the steps you are taking in this area. There are a range of courses, resources and support tools.

Why is it important to look after the mental health of your employees?

Investing in the mental health of your employees is beneficial to your businesses. It can improve productivity and lower absenteeism and staff turnover. It also demonstrates that you care about employee health and wellbeing. 

Poor mental health is believed to cost UK businesses £42bn-£45bn each year (Deloitte, 2020) so it’s a pressing issue to tackle. 

Employers also have legal obligations to ensure the health and safety of their employees in the workplace and this includes their mental health.

Our service provides businesses with e-learning courses, factsheets, resources, surveys, educational videos, and a national directory of support services so employees can get the help they need when they need it. 

Contact Sussex Chamber on 01444 259259 to find out more or visit our site and complete the application form: