Michele Gilling-Ulph, Director of Operations at the Agora Clinic

7th March 2024

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As the Director of Operations at the Agora Clinic, I am privileged to work alongside my mother, Carole Gilling-Smith, the CEO and Founder of our esteemed institution.

Our journey together in running one of the most inclusive fertility clinics in the UK has been nothing short of extraordinary, a testament to the importance of empowerment, collaboration, and unwavering dedication to supporting women in all facets of their lives.

At the Agora Clinic, inclusivity isn’t just a goal; it’s our guiding principle. From our diverse workforce to our unwavering commitment to supporting women at every stage of their reproductive lives, we have created a sanctuary where every individual feels valued and respected.

My passion for supporting women in the workplace runs deep, fuelled by the example set forth by my mother, Carole. Raised by an inspirational woman who defied conventions and blazed her own trail, I am endlessly grateful for the invaluable lessons she has imparted along the way. Working alongside her, I have witnessed first-hand the challenges that women face, particularly when balancing work and motherhood. But my mother proved it was possible.

I have such fond memories of the quality family time I had growing up with my parents and siblings. Looking back, I feel inspired that my mother truly was determined to do it all without compromising her time with her children. We truly value family time and know that creating a working life that supports this is essential for our employee’s wellbeing. Together, Carole and I are rewriting the narrative, proving that it’s possible to thrive in both spheres without compromise.

Our joint aim to support women at all stages of their lives, including when they have young families, is at the core of everything we do. In a society where the demands of motherhood can often feel overwhelming, the Agora Clinic stands as a beacon of hope, a safe haven, where women can navigate the complexities of their own fertility, and at a later stage in their lives the menopause, with dignity and grace.

At a time when more and more women are wanting reproductive autonomy, the Agora is championing their cause by offering programs such as egg freezing, solo motherhood and egg donation which means women can now choose when and how to have a family.

I am extremely fortunate to have taken on the role on egg donation coordinator in 2020 which not only gave me a huge insight into the gift of egg donation, but also helped me to find ways of overcoming many of the obstacles such as the huge shortage of donors and long waiting times. I am very proud of where the Agora is today with its own egg bank, a wealth of egg donation options and the ability to offer our patients no waiting time to be matched to their ideal donor.

Carole and I have always strived for a vision of inclusivity and belonging. It is for this reason that we have created our clinics as a safe space where we accept that no two journeys are the same. This thinking has enabled us to become welcoming arms to those who may otherwise feel shunned by society. We are proud to be able to offer bespoke and unique services to the LGBTQ+ community such as supporting those seeking a family through surrogacy where our pathway is unique; our intended parents benefit from free Q&A sessions from the outset followed by regular check ins along the way to make sure they and the surrogate and egg donor are all carefully coordinated and supported at every step.

I am in awe of my mother’s unwavering determination and resilience, qualities that have shaped not only her career but also my own journey. I started as a volunteer at the Agora from a young age, working during the school holidays. During this time, I learnt a great deal about female reproductive health and the challenges of infertility and began to understand the huge emotional toll that a fertility journey can have. I joined her working team full time after graduating from University, and felt privileged to become a part of the world she had created at the Agora along with her wisdom, honesty and compassion that she has shared with me along the way. Working alongside her, I am inspired every day to push boundaries and challenge the status quo, knowing that together, we can deliver a more inclusive future for all.

The Agora Clinic is more than just a place of work; it’s a community, a family bound by a shared commitment to making a difference. In the corridors of our clinic, amidst the whirlwind of consultations and treatments, there is a palpable sense of purpose, a shared belief in the power of women to shape their destinies and change the world. I have enjoyed setting up our own Workplace Wellbeing program to support our staff and to educate other businesses on the importance of considering the impact of the fertility journey on their staff through our educational workplace seminars and fertility policies.

As the sun sets on another day at the Agora Clinic, I look ahead with optimism, knowing that the work we do today will pave the way for a brighter tomorrow. Empowerment isn’t just a destination, it’s a journey, and I am honoured to walk this path alongside my mother and the incredible team at the Agora Clinic. Together, we dream of a future where inclusivity knows no bounds, a future where every woman can embrace her reproductive journey, whenever and however she wants, with autonomy, courage and conviction and with our full support.

For more information on the Agora please visit www.agoraclinic.co.uk