More women networking to grow their businesses

8th March 2023

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They recognise the potential to build connections, writes Archie Hampshire, Marketing Assistant at Network My Club.

In 2022, women in the UK launched 151,603 companies, up from 145,271 in 2021 and more than twice the level in 2018, according to an independent review led by Alison Rose.

Over 60 female business owners are Network My Club members and more are joining every week to start or continue their networking journey.


Attending business networking events can be a great way for women to grow their professional networks and expand their business opportunities. Networking events provide a platform for women to make valuable connections with other company owners, learn about new trends and opportunities, and build business relationships.

However, not all networking events are sunshine and roses and events can quickly start to feel uncomfortable and overwhelming. 

At Network My Club we have two incredible businesswomen who are experts at creating an open, friendly environment in which to network.

We understand networking can be intimidating, but here’s where our brilliant team come in to make the journey much more enjoyable.

Let me introduce the two incredible women that take Network My Club membership and events to new heights every day.

Samantha Pond has been our Membership Manager since 2021. At an event you can find her zipping around offering support to those in need. Whether it’s calming the nerves of first time networkers to facilitating introductions amongst attendees, Samantha is on hand to ensure guests are comfortable and optimising your networking time.

Our fantastic Events Manager, Alicia Boxall, ensures every event, powered by Network My Club, is filled with the right mix of Network My Club members and guests. Professionals and business owners that are there to build business relationships and not just waft a business card at you proceeded by a sales pitch.

It’s not just the Network My Club team that create a comfortable and open environment.

The supportive nature of our members makes a huge difference to the feel of a room, and in turn makes the process of meeting the right people for your business far less intimidating.

I asked Samantha and Alicia what advice they would give to professional women apprehensive about attending their first networking event.

1. Take a friend along to the networking event. It can be nerve-racking entering a room full of people you’ve never met before. Having a friend with you can help you feel more relaxed and ready to venture out and mingle with other guests.

2. Prepare good questions to ask. Having a set of insightful questions will increase your confidence no end. It will lead to a more purposeful conversation and help you to feel more connected, and better understand how your service/product can help them. Two questions we suggest asking are “What trends are you currently seeing in your industry?” and “Describe your perfect customer – what keeps them up at night?”

3. Remember that everyone is in the same boat. Everyone is at the networking event to meet new people and make connections, so don’t be afraid to put yourself out there and start meeting the right people for your business.

4. Dress confidently. Wearing something that makes you feel comfortable and confident can help boost your self-esteem and make it easier to approach people.

Attending business networking events can be a great way for women to expand their business opportunities and grow their professional network. By following these tips, you’ll have the confidence to tackle your next networking event head-on and make important connections for your business.

Interesting in finding a supportive network in Sussex? Book onto our next networking Lunch at the Amex Stadium in May. Find out more and explore how our membership can benefit you and your business.

Membership information:

Networking lunch at the Amex Stadium: