Moshimo Review

4th October 2020

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So today was a day of firsts for me, not only have I not eaten out in a restaurant since lockdown began, I have also never eaten out alone, but nothing was going to stop me from exploring Moshimo’s new Shoji experience.

As a huge sushi fan, I have missed my maki fix during lockdown (I know this is not really a hardship in the grand scheme of things) but anyway I was really looking forward to a sushi feast. Moshimo have always been renowned not only for the freshest sushi but the style of their iconic premises, with stylish Japanese style seating they’re based in the perfect central location, ideal spot for a shopping lunch or an evening out. So, it was no surprise to see that Moshimo have handled the Covid-19 restrictions with the same style as they have always had, rest assured the new Shoji experience has the same Moshimo style whilst making dining a safer experience.

On arrival a member of staff welcomed me and showed me to my booth, these booths have been designed by hanging red panels from the ceiling, making a maze of little cubist seating areas which is in keeping with the rest of the decor. I loved the fact that you could still see other diners, so the restaurant still had atmosphere and you can people watch (especially important when you’re dining solo). One of the added benefits of these panels is you can practice your chopstick skills without others being able to see your mishaps, although the waiter very kindly brought me cutlery too. All the staff on my visit were very welcoming without being too much, leaving me to enjoy my sushi extravaganza in peace. When ordering you can either take dishes from the conveyor belt, known as kaiten-zushi or rotating Sushi in Japanese or you can always order from the extensive menu.

After some deliberation I opted for a sushi platter alongside a couple of Kozara – small plates that complimented the sushi perfectly. The citrus salmon tataki dish I ordered was beautiful, slightly seared salmon with a fresh citrus sauce including a ginger hit that married everything together nicely, this was so delicately balanced whilst the salmon still shone through as it should. When the sushi platter arrived, I worried if I had over ordered, but as everything was so light and fresh, I needn’t have been concerned. The platter both looked and tasted amazing, with a good range of maki, nigiri and sashimi, it was at this point that I saw the benefits of eating alone. Reader I can only describe what followed as a sushi frenzy until I sadly realised the last maki had gone. Having devoured the delicacies of Japanese cuisine, all washed down with a freshly made juice, I fell into a very content sushi stupor. This was the perfect restaurant to visit post-lockdown, Moshimo have taken a negative and turned it into something truly beautiful whilst keeping the same level of service and fantastic food. As for dining alone I think this may be a regular thing for me, you don’t have to share your pudding that way!


Voted both by the Independent and the BBC as one of the top 50 restaurants in the UK, Moshimo has become one of the leading restaurants on the South Coast. Visit