Mums Enterprise Comes to Brighton!

7th October 2016

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lindsey-lucy-and-the-babies-mums-enterprise-ltd-business-partnersAn SBT reminder… Mums Enterprise! Founded by Lindsey Fish and Lucy Chaplin, the free work and business event for mums on a mission is set to take Brighton by storm in February 2017. 

This amazing exhibition, consisting of over 40 exhibitors, 8 taster workshops, networking AND a Q&A session, is a must attend if you are thinking…

  • About a burning business idea but have no-clue where to begin
  • ‘I just can’t risk it’ or ‘What if I fail’ – do you have the FEAR?
  • I don’t have the time or money
  • How do I grow my business – what next
  • I’m just not confident in my skills anymore – I’d be useless
  • I have no idea what’s out there – can I really do something from home or outside the 9-5?

You are not alone!

All of the thoughts mentioned above are comments from mums just like you, who attended our previous events. There are very real challenges, emotions and decisions to be made about your career or business and that’s ok.

You can still be a brilliant mum!

Whilst following your hearts and dreams, keep your talents alive or learn new ones.  Mums Enterprise is on hand to help you on your mission and #shootforthemoon – that’s why their events exist.  Come along and you will see first hand how other mums do it.

team-photoYou’d be crazy to miss out! 

Mums Enterprise will only be in Brighton once in 2017 – it’s too good an opportunity to miss. Attendance is totally free and all content is optional, spend the day how you want and suffer no sales pitches!

In addition to all the amazing content you will get our famous ‘Enterpriser Handbook’ and a goody bag.  Best of all the events are child-friendly, so if you can’t get childcare you can bring the little ones along.

The event will take place at the Amex Community Stadium, Village Way, BN1 9BL – Thursday 23rd Feb 2017. The venue has FREE on-site parking, is on a bus route and has a its own train station.

If you think you are just what the event needs then please email or call 01923 592255. Visit for more details or take a look at their Facebook, Twitter and YouTube pages:


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