Networking at The Boundary Club, Sussex County Cricket Ground

25th July 2019

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I’m often asked which is the best networking event to go to. Well, The Boundary Club networking lunch held at The Sussex County Cricket Ground in Hove is always one of my favourite events and has been now for many years.


It has to be probably the best all-round event to go to for the combination of the people who attend, the quality of the food (a three-course lunch with afternoon tea later), great entertainment (in June it was the comedian, Simon Evans) and for most events a cricket match going on in the background.

For me, the networking is of the highest quality, around 140-150 in attendance, mostly business owners or senior managers/partners and the facility to instigate specific connections if you want to be a bit organised. 

As with the best networking, The Boundary Club is all about building relationships, it’s not about selling to people and the random mass handing out of business cards is hardly ever seen.

It’s not the cheapest event on the calendar and you do have to be a member, but in my opinion it’s the best overall event I go to so if you want to enjoy yourself doing quality networking at a great location I suggest you speak to one of the members and arrange an invitation to come along and try it for yourself. 

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