On the buses with the Business Leaders’ Wine Club

10th July 2023

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A Routemaster bus, a podcast, networking, storytelling, vineyard tour, wine and food… What is not to love?

On Wednesday, June 28 the Business Leaders’ Wine Club held a networking event with a difference. Over 40 local business leaders from across the county and beyond came together and met at WRAP co- working space in Brighton for welcome drinks before joining the Routemaster bus for a trip to the award-winning Ridgeview Wine Estate.

En-route, attendees enjoyed Slow-Mo Networking on the top deck, using a variety of conversation cards with quick fire questions, whilst a select group had the opportunity to be interviewed by Sam Thomas, host of the County Business TALKS Podcast.

On arrival at Ridgeview wine estate, Charlie Lewis, Regional Sales Executive, took attendees on a tour of the fabulous vineyard, talking through the entire fascinating winemaking process.

Following the tour, attendees then had the opportunity to sample some of the fabulous food from Ridgeview’s newly built Rows and Vine restaurant along with a selection of the amazing Ridgeview English sparkling wines. The networking continued over food and wine, with people sharing stories and building relationships in a beautiful setting.

Sam Thomas, co-sponsor of the event, said: “When Karl Elwood first approached me with the idea to get involved with this event, I immediately said yes. I loved the unique concept and am always looking to get involved with different type of events and this one was very special and aligned with so many of our beliefs at County Business Clubs, building relationships through storytelling, add amazing food, wine and a Routemaster bus, what is not to love”

Karl Elwood, founder of the Business Leaders’  Wine Club, said: “We were delighted that Sam agreed to take his podcast series on the road with us for this event. It added something really special to the day, not to mention being great fun.”

The event was sponsored by RubixVT, Inside Stories and County Business Clubs.

To find out more about the Business Leaders’ Wine Club, visit