Owning Your Dreams: An inspiring evening with Pippa Moyle

13th August 2024

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“Your dreams are your dreams, own them, believe in them, and follow them.”

This powerful message was just one of the many profound insights shared by Pippa Moyle during Different Hats’ live podcast event last month at PLATF9RM in Hove, writes Sam Thomas.

The evening marked a significant milestone, seven years in the making, since Pippa and I first met in 2018. Reconnecting last year, I’ve witnessed her incredible journey as she has grown into a formidable CEO and an inspiration to countless individuals, including myself.

Before an audience filled with guests from our vibrant communities, Pippa opened up about her entrepreneurial journey. She spoke candidly about the highs and lows of running a business, her struggles with imposter syndrome, and the exciting future of City Girl Network. Her story resonated deeply, as she articulated the challenges and triumphs that have shaped her path.

The event was a testament to the power of vulnerability and authenticity. Pippa’s willingness to share her story with such openness and honesty created an incredibly supportive and safe space, making the evening both moving and memorable. Her courage to discuss personal battles and professional hurdles left a lasting impact on everyone present.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to all who attended and supported the event. Special gratitude goes to the exceptional team at PLATF9RM, our generous drinks sponsor Spirit of the Downs, the culinary wizards at Nostos Hove, Little Jasmine Therapies and Spa for their soothing wellbeing corner, and Xavier Buendia for capturing the essence of the evening through his stunning photographs. Our podcast sponsors Rubix VT, Rivervale, Plus X Innovation, Nostos Hove, and our producers H2 Productions Ltd, led by Martin Leppard, played an indispensable role in bringing this event to life.

Reflecting on this event, it’s clear that it will remain etched in my memory for years to come. The energy, the stories, and the connections made were truly special. As we look forward to hosting more live podcast series in the near future, we are excited to continue fostering such meaningful conversations.

Stay tuned for the release of this powerful episode in the coming weeks. Watch this space for more details, and prepare to be inspired by Pippa Moyle’s remarkable journey.