Pier Recruitment: Putting Customer Service First With Pier View

28th August 2019

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Pier Recruitment is a local agency. It has been in business for seven years, working with many different businesses across Sussex.

The company’s vision is to ensure it becomes the Recruitment Partner of choice for its clients.

Its mission is to deliver amazing customer service and aim to make the recruitment experience effective, professional and enjoyable for both the candidate and the client.

Pier Recruitment

The company says: “We believe recruitment should be simple and streamlined.

“Last year we carried out research on what companies find frustrating about the service we provide. The length of time spent on the recruitment process was exhausting and candidates not showing up for interviews was demotivating.

“Eighty per cent of our clients said they only carry out a first stage interview or telephone interview to establish if the candidate was articulate and could communicate effectively and then to find out if the person was a good cultural fit for their team.

“Many of our clients said that they have so many applications for their jobs, it is often hard to narrow down their search. This coupled with finding the CVs often don’t reflect the true skill set of the potential employee, means they feel the need to offer more candidates than they should, an interview.

“So, we asked the question: ‘Would a video interview of the candidate alongside a CV help you to determine who to take through to the face to face stage?’

“Fifty-nine per cent of our clients said they would rather see a video then a CV.

“Our ground-breaking video-engagement system, ‘Pier View’ was born.”

The company explains: “Pier View is enhancing the way we recruit with video images. Say goodbye to back and forth phone calls and hello to a streamlined and effective hiring process. This will save you time and money to make smart choices throughout your recruitment process.

“Pier View is a two-way interview tool designed to take the place of a 1st stage interview, significantly reducing the time to hire and therefore reducing the cost for you. The system brings the candidates to life and makes them more than a piece of paper.

“This allows the Consultant to ask the Candidate three to five pre-set questions about your business and why they are suitable for your role before you invite them to meet you. You will receive this video at the same time as you receive their CV.

“Candidates are embracing this new technology too. They see the benefits of the technology and embrace the opportunity to enhance their chances of getting a face to face interview.

“By eliminating the first stage interview, candidates are having to take less time off work to meet with potential new employers and this also speeds up the process for them.

“Sixty-nine of your candidates said they would rather have a ‘Facetime’ style interview than have to meet with a client in their offices for the 1st stage of the process. Eighty per cent said they would be happy to answer questions about their skills so the company have all the information about them before taking time off work to meet.

“Our success has already been established from clients and candidates who have used this service.”


I used the new video interviewing platform for my recent sales recruitment through Pier Recruitment.

I saw two candidates that I may not have taken forward had I not seen their confidence during the video, but I also turned a candidate down after watching a video saving me an hour of first stage interviewing.

The process was quick and easy. I was able to watch the videos on the train home int eh evening and enjoyed the video making the candidate real. By the time I got to actually meet the candidates face to face, I really couldn’t choose between them.

Pier View

Pier View has been audited and is 100 per cent GDPR compliant.

It has reduced the number of candidates not showing up for interview by 90 per cent. Having completed the video interview, we know the candidates is committed to the process ahead of them.

Clients are not losing good candidates due to the length of the process

We have reduced the time to hire by 70 per cent.

Anyone can take advantage of this new system. Find out more:

Email Info@pierrecruitment.co.uk

Or call 01273 874192