Planning for success: how Servo Private Wealth helps business owners achieve financial freedom

9th May 2024

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Read this if you want to thrive financially not just today but also tomorrow.

In all areas of life, but especially business, the age-old adage rings true: failing to plan is planning to fail. At the multi award-winning financial services firm Servo Private Wealth, this principle is not just a saying; it’s at the heart of their service and is a mantra they instil in their clients.

Led by CEO and Chartered Wealth Manager James Mallinson, Servo specialises in helping business owners do sensible things with money. Their advice and expertise ensure business owners not only thrive financially in the present, but also secure their future prosperity.

Solving problems and achieving goals

When it comes to extracting profits from your business, there are several avenues to explore, each with its own tax implications, making it easy to become overwhelmed. Maximising expenses, benefits in kind, salary and/or drawing dividends, planning for retirement, investing surplus cash, and exit planning are all areas that need to be considered, but it’s essential to navigate these options carefully to maximise your financial gain and minimise tax liabilities.

At Servo, the focus is clear: ensuring business owners can efficiently extract profit from their organisation whilst still working, and then never worry about money or run out of it and enjoy life when they stop. James and the team work with multiple businesses and their associated families across Sussex and the wider UK region, helping them articulate their goals, visualise them and then put plans in place to deliver financial peace of mind for the future.

Everyone will have something related to money or their finances which they wish to protect, preserve or grow, and we want to be there with them every step of the way to help them achieve those goals.

“Quite simply, we help business owners do sensible things with money, whether that’s managing cash, investments, insurance, pensions, property, debt, business sales and acquisitions, passing on wealth and avoiding inheritance tax, and everything else in-between,” said CEO James. “It’s about ensuring that they can enjoy the fruits of their labour and not have to worry about money.”

Innovative solutions and exceptional service

The innovative way of thinking and exceptional service of James and his team was exemplified recently when they were invited to pitch to a client who had recently sold his business.

“We found ourselves in a beauty parade competing against a number of other firms, some with larger marketing budgets and more established client bases and reputations,” said James. “However, our approach at Servo goes beyond the conventional. Right from the outset, we prioritised collaboration by involving their other professional advisers at our first meeting – something that many of our competitors don’t do. This collaboration proved to be transformative, leading to a seven-figure tax saving for the client. By thinking outside the box, we identified innovative ways to significantly reduce their tax bill and help them achieve their financial goals without large fees or risk.”

James continues: “The client was thrilled with the outcome as they not only benefited from a substantial tax saving, but also felt that we’d given them the right advice for them at that time and weren’t just telling them to invest their money into an investment or product, which was the advice they’d been given elsewhere. As a result, they’ve become one of our most enthusiastic sources of referrals and a good friend.”

It is unsurprising then, that this commitment to providing value through collaborative thinking and bespoke solutions, has made Servo Private Wealth a go-to firm and trusted partner in financial services for business owners in the South-East.

Planning for the future

So how does this all begin? Working with James and the team at Servo starts with meticulously understanding their clients at a deep level and finding out what matters to them; how they want to live their life if money were no object, and then planning for the future to make it happen. In today’s world, the need for being able to live off passive income or planning for a life away from work is vital, and for business owners particularly, it necessitates a creative, proactive, and informed approach.

James said: “It involves not only setting aside savings but also making astute investment decisions, staying abreast of market trends and adapting to evolving economic conditions. We can advise on longer-term strategies for life after work or the possible future sale of a company, ensuring clients are well-prepared for whatever the future holds.

“We can also make clients aware of changes in regulations so that they can take appropriate action and offer advice on any tax, financial, or business planning arrangements they should consider. Our aim is to relieve clients of these worries so that they can concentrate on running their business.”

Expertise, independence and excellence

As an independent advisory firm, Servo Private Wealth (unlike many other firms) are not owned by any investment house or product provider, meaning their recommendations are solely based on the best interests of their clients, and their fees are charged for their time and expertise, not for taking out products.

“Our flexible charging structure, which includes hourly rates, monthly retainers, fixed fees, or in some cases a percentage-based fee for investment advice, reflects our commitment to transparency and client satisfaction. Moreover, unlike many of our competitors, our fees are capped, providing additional value and saving them even more money when compared to the rest of the marketplace,” said James.

With a background that includes a successful career in the City including senior roles at a large corporate investment firms, James and his team have a wealth of experience in working with clients who have very complex circumstances ranging from high-net-worth individuals, celebrities, professional athletes, business owners, retirees, divorcees, multi-generational families, and everything in-between. It’s highly likely they have worked with, or have seen just about every type of financial problem going, and are able to bring this experience to the business community in Sussex.

Looking to the future

James said: “It is, of course, important to bear in mind your overall tax and long-term financial position when considering the various options for extracting profits. For example, you do not want to end up unnecessarily losing allowances, paying too much tax or missing out on reliefs from the Government because you’ve made the wrong decision and not sought help.”

He concludes by saying: “Planning for success is not just about navigating the present; it’s about securing a prosperous future. We are dedicated to empowering business owners with the tools, strategies, and expertise they need to achieve their financial goals and build a legacy that lasts for generations to come.”

James and the Servo Private Wealth team welcome the opportunity to engage with SBT readers, offering a free of charge, no-obligation initial consultation to explore how they can assist with any financial needs and add value to their position.

Please get in touch via or on 01444 715200 to know more or to request our detailed guide on how to extract profits from your business.

Disclaimer: Servo Private Wealth Limited is an appointed representative of Best Practice IFA Group Limited, which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Servo Private Wealth Limited is entered on the FCA register under reference 913631. Servo Private Wealth Limited is registered in England, no. 12125902.