Planning to help others – today and tomorrow

12th December 2019

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Business and personal finances aren’t the only thing IEP Financial plans for. The firm of independent financial advisors brings its team together and promotes a great company culture through its work for charity. We meet Chairman Ian Poysden, who shares his passion for supporting Sussex good causes and explains why IEP Financial is the sponsor of SBT’s 2019 Christmas Charity Edition. 

With offices in Hove and Eastbourne, IEP Financial is a business with its roots firmly established in Sussex.  

It has 30 staff and a company culture that thrives on teamwork. One of the common bonds is a desire to work together to support local charities. This is a business that really does take pride in giving something back. 

Over the years, the company has supported a wide range of good causes. 

Chairman Ian Poysden points to fundraising for Chestnut Tree House, the highly regarded children’s hospice for Sussex, Dementia Support in Chichester and the popular Friends of the Elderly Lunch at the Sussex County Cricket ground.  

IEP has also supported the long-established Martlets Hospice and was responsible for the resurrection of a fundraising Halloween Ball. 

Founded in 1997, the hospice charity has supported more than 25,000 local people to date.  

Other causes have included Rockinghorse Children’s Charity, Samaritans and The Starr Trust. 

The latter is a focus for next year’s efforts. 

Improving life chances 

“The main thing here is that it supports young people who may be disadvantaged or not had the best chances in life,” says Ian. 

It helps those in Brighton and surrounding areas, aged ten to 18 to achieve their full potential. 

That is something Ian is keen to support and promote over the coming year, pointing out it offers a wide range of opportunities – everything from arts, theatre, sport and a lot more. 

“Supporting local charities is important to us,” Ian explains. “We are a Sussex business in the financial planning sector, dealing with businesses and individuals. It says a lot about you if you are prepared to support local charities. It is something we enjoy. 

“As a team, we all get involved. It builds a brilliant atmosphere and culture at work.” 

Starr Trust 

IEP Financial was one of the sponsors of a recent ball which raised as massive £48,000 for The Starr Trust. 

“It was a fantastic outcome for a small charity,” said Ian.  

He personally assists in mentoring three Starr Trust ‘stars’ – a young golfer, a cricketer and a wheelchair tennis player. 

The Trust is a family-run charity, founded to provide sport, art and educational opportunities. As well as mentoring and training programmes, it gives young people the chance to build their connections and makes financial grants up to £5,000 for young people in need living in the BN postcode. 

It enables them to develop skills for brighter futures.  

Ian, a financial advisor for more than three decades, strongly supports its vision, which is: “We believe in a world in which young people are supported to achieve their fullest potential; where they flourish as individuals whilst making a positive contribution to their community, and in turn are recognised for their achievements. 

In 2020, IEP Financial will be focussing on the Trust along with carrying out some of its other charity work. 

It’s showtime – almost 

Ian says he is looking forward to charity golf among other events.  

In fact, he is likely to become a bit of a ‘star’ himself – he is primed to be one of the entertainers at a charity ball being staged at The Hilton Hotel. 

While not one hundred per cent sure of his talents, he is determined to put on a great show to ensure the beneficiaries – four charities – raise as much as they possibly can from the event.  

Ian is keen to continue his support for Arundel Castle Cricket Foundation. It works to enhance the development and education of young people aged between seven and 19, with a special emphasis on the disadvantaged and those from inner city communities.  

He is full of praise for Dementia Support, describing it as an ‘amazing charity’. It works with a wide range of partners in the public, private and voluntary sectors to enhance the wellbeing and quality of life for local people living with dementia, their family and carers. 

Wide-ranging support 

Other charities supported by IEP Financial over the years include St Wilfrid’s Hospice in Eastbourne, Sussex Cricket in the Community Trust, The V Light Project, Preston Nomads Cricket Club, schools initiative Extra Cover, Ditchling Cricket Club, Brighton’s Rialto Theatre, as well as cricket clubs in Eastbourne and East Dean and Friston. 

Caring about people is at the heart of IEP Financial. Its people are key to its success in helping individual clients achieve and maintain financial independence through professional services.  

It believes in providing tailored support and that caring element of its expertise makes it particularly supportive of those who may not have the same chances in life as others.  

A leader in its field, IEP runs seminars that help businesses and private clients navigate topics such as investments, pensions, auto enrolment and later life planning 

But Ian does not want this feature to focus on the business. He wants to shine a light on the many good causes in Sussex that enhance lives at every stage of life’s journey. 

In addition to supporting charities, IEP Financial does a few things to support people and organisations independently. 

As well as charity work, it provides free resources on a wide range of important topics. They include Forgotten Pensions, Tax planning for Pensions, Saving for Retirement, and Income at Retirement. It has free eBooks on subjects such as Investing Tax Efficiently, Investment Planning and Asset Allocation, Making the Most of ISAs, and Financial Protection. 

IEP in the Community 

Through IEP in the Community, it works with groups as well as providing its own supportive schemes. 

Apprenticeships and intern training are part of what it does. However, it also runs Local Sponsorship Programmes and the IEP Financial Affinity Scheme, which supports local sports clubs with pension and general financial advice.  

“We are really looking forward to 2020,” says Ian. He points to the difference even single fund-raising events can make. Referring to the recent Starr Trust ball, he said: “It was a brilliant event.” 

IEP Financial is the headline sponsor of this Christmas Charity Edition of the Sussex Business Times – because it is passionate about Sussex businesses supporting Sussex people.  

Sam Thomas, Managing Director of Sussex Business Times, said: “Few businesses have been linked with so many charities in recent years. IEP Financial is an example of what local firms can achieve. 

“As Ian has already indicated, it is not just great for good causes – it is fantastic for fostering a brilliant team spirit that enhances the company culture. 

Further information about IEP Financial and its charity work can be found on its website. 

Contact information: 


Telephone: 01273 208813 


Twitter: @iepfinancial 

LinkedIn: IEP Financial Ltd