Plus Accounting saves hundreds of hours every month by automating admin tasks

7th March 2022

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One of the leading accountancy firms on the South Coast, Plus Accounting, reveals adoption of new business automation systems are saving hundreds of non-billable hours. 

Designed and launched in April 2021, the new system automates their new business process and client onboarding processes. Prior to the new system being implemented, manual time was spent chasing lead information, setting up meetings and sending proposals. The accountants on the Business Services team now save on average 30 hours per month on admin and repetitive tasks. In addition, the time it takes to convert leads has dropped from 10 days to five.

What did we do?

Plus Accounting worked closely with their CRM and automation agency, Bright Dials, to create the strategy to save time and money, increase transparency, and speed up their client registration process. 

Once the design was complete, Bright Dials built out the system using a combination of tools including ActiveCampaign, Calendly, Pandadocs, and Gsuite with Integromat connecting it all together. 

This revolutionary new process starts by gathering digital lead information, ensuring quality and accuracy. It is immediately entered into the CRM for tracking and providing reporting transparency .

Leads are encouraged to sign up for an appointment using Calendly, and the team is encouraged to follow up as quickly as possible. A Deal is automatically created and once the conversation has taken place, with the click of a button, a proposal is automatically generated and sent out to the client for signature. 

On signing, the client enters a registration process which creates a bespoke tracking document enabling the Client Onboarding Manager to register the client quickly and efficiently.

What are the benefits?

• Improved data accuracy to speed up lead conversion process

• Transparency on new business to enable better marketing and planning

• Overall reduction in lead conversion time in turn improving the overall leads won

• Smoother client onboarding creating a better experience

• Consistent communication with professional proposals sent every time

• Huge time saving in admin time with it spent on billable hours instead

For more information, please read our case study on the link here.

Paul Feist, Managing Director of Plus Accounting, said: “Since completing the work with Bright Dials, we save hundreds of hours every month using ActiveCampaign. The team embraces it because it increases the number of inquiries and we take more advantage of opportunities that might otherwise slip past. This new system has proved to be great value for money.”

Lindsey Pickles, Founder of Bright Dials, said: “We invested significant time in automating key processes for our client and I’m delighted with the results. The team saves time on the mundane, which is now spent elsewhere. The improved efficiency means making more money too, a real win for everyone.”

Who are we?

Plus Accounting:

Plus Accounting offers a comprehensive range of tax and accounting services. 

So, whether you are just starting out or thinking about selling your business, we can provide you with the support and guidance that you need to keep control of your finances and plan your affairs for maximum efficiency.

What makes us stand out from the crowd is our genuine interest in you and your business. We take time to understand what is important to you and then tailor our services to your requirements.
01273 701200

Bright Dials is an independent agency that specialises in helping businesses get the most out of their CRM and automation. Taking your current data sources as a starting point they identify where responsive, data-generated processes attract the hottest leads to your business and accelerate the sales cycle.