Public Sector membership club, Boundless, announces new CEO

5th March 2021

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Colin Slinn steps up as part of a new-look executive team

Boundless, the UK membership club for civil service and public sector workers, has announced Colin Slinn as its new CEO.

Colin, who has been with Boundless since 2004, previously held the role of Chief Financial Officer and has 25 years of experience as a finance professional.

He has also worked within the senior finance team at Lloyds TSB Private Banking and at American Express Global Network Services.

Brighton-based Boundless, which was formed in 1923, has a national membership in excess of 230,000 and has recently won praise for its campaign to raise awareness of the UN’s Public Service Day which had previously flown under the radar in the UK.

Now, at a time when the British public is increasingly aware of the work done by those in the public sector, Boundless is focusing on helping its members to make the most of their free time, helping to improve their work-life balance and general wellbeing.

Colin is joined on a new-look executive team by Chief Operating Officer Peter Worster, previously Managing Director at business transformation and marketing strategy business Worster Ltd.

Lisa Parrott has been appointed as the new CFO, bringing a wealth of financial expertise from Saga Plc, a FTSE 250 company, where she has spent the majority of her working life. In her most recent role, Lisa was Group Finance Director for a group of entrepreneurial insurance, conveyancing and property data SMEs at CLS Group Services Ltd.

Darren Milton, a board level brand and marketing strategist who has been with Boundless since 2009, moves from his role as Head of Brand & Marketing to become the business’ new Chief Marketing Officer.

For more information, please visit