Put your hands up to support local children’s hospice

4th March 2016

Posted on Categories Uncategorised

The High Sheriff of East Sussex, Mrs Juliet Smith, and Chestnut Tree Children’s Hospice co-hosted a recent luncheon at Blackstock Farm near Hailsham where guests heard how the charity is making a real difference to children and their families across East Sussex.


Over 70 people attended from local businesses and community groups. They heard presentations from the charities CEO, Hugh Lowson, Director of Children’s Services, Linda Perry, and a parent of a child who uses the services provided by Chestnut Tree both in the family’s home and at the hospice.
Head of East Sussex Fundraising, Tracey Luker said, “We’re not asking people to put their hands in their pockets today, we’re asking them to put their Hands Up to pledge their support and say ‘Yes, I’ll help.’ That might mean getting your company involved, holding a fundraising event, volunteering, spreading the word or taking part in one of our sponsored challenges.”

CTH 2016 - High Sherriff Juliet Smith with Patron Ambrose Harcourt -044


Anyone who would like to pledge their support to Chestnut Tree can find out more at


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