Q&A: Ethical Agency Creative Blend

13th March 2019

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Doing good business has been at the core of Creative Blend since it started. But what has giving away over 600 hours of their time, for free, done for their business? And why do they bother? We all know CSR is no longer a nice to have, but there are lots of ways to do it that can really benefit your business. As Creative Blend celebrate their third birthday as a limited company, we wanted to share just that.

Why did you choose to give away your time?

“We are digital experts, it’s what we know and love. From designing websites to social media and content, it’s the greatest gift we have to give to our fellow businesses. Lots of local charities have big ambitions (and targets) but lack the infrastructure or resources to reach them. When Grant Jennings founded Creative Blend six years ago, he decided to allocate 10 hours each month to support two different local charities every year. Not supporting with cash, no, but helping the chosen charities to improve and grow their website and marketing to help them take-charge, simplify and empower their fundraising long-term.”

What challenges and benefits have there been?

“It hasn’t always been easy, we’ve learnt a lot during our time offering support ensuring the values held by our business and those of the charity we’re supporting align is key. Also, by introducing yourself early to all members of the charity helps bring out all levels of help requested, and allows us to plan efficiently.

“It’s incredible what you can do with a passionate charity partner in just one year.

“The great thing about this structure is the relationships you can form. Since working with Whoopsadaisy Grant was invited to become a trustee to help guide the digital direction of the charity for years to come. We also love being a part of helping charities grow, for example designing the logo and website for Real talk, the new training arm of Grassroots Suicide Prevention.”

How does it typically work?

“We select two charities each year based on a number of criteria including their digital ambition and structure. We then work out a brief that has enough flexibility to allow us to provide digital support, as well as big objectives to give tangible gains for their business. This may pull from any one of our 22 services, from Design to email marketing to creating campaign micro-sites.

“If resources allow, we have also run training sessions with our charities to equip them to carry on the work long-term. Everything we do is done in a sustainable way. We don’t want to waste either of our time, we’re efficient, but everything we do has to have a lasting benefit to the charity.”

What else do you do that makes you an ethical agency?

“We have six rules that we always adhere to as an ethical agency. These affect everything from how we quote work, to transparency in our project management and the recommendations we would make for marketing your business. As well as the way we work we are also constantly looking for other ways to give back.

“We’ve been running monthly free digital drop-ins for 6 months now. Any local business can book a 30 minute slot to get advice on any digital challenge. It’s been a fantastic way to meet our business & charity community and give back in a no-pressure environment. #CBsessions are the third Thursday of the month 9-10.30am at Down to Earth Coffee in Hove.”

For more information, visit Creative Blend.

Advertise your business or charity initiative in the Sussex Business Times. Call 01323 819007 or 07894762304. Alternatively, email sam@thebusinessgroup.co.uk






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