Q&A with Carl Fillery, CEO of Boundless

13th March 2019

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Carl Fillery, CEO of Boundless, recently received the Businessperson of the Year Award at the prestigious Sussex Business Awards. We caught up with Carl to find out more about Boundless and its cultural transformation.

Can you tell us a bit about Boundless?

“Boundless is a not-for-profit membership club for public sector and civil service workers – in fact we’re the largest membership club for the sector in the UK.

“Boundless is all about good times and memorable experiences. We want to help people get the most out of their spare time, to inspire them to spend more quality time with family and loved ones and to spend less doing it.

“We offer products and services at a discounted price in order to keep more money in the pockets of our 230,000 members, covering everything from family days out and sporting events to relaxing spa days and exclusive theatre packages.  We are a mutual, which means all profits are reinvested for the benefit of our members.

“We have a heritage which stretches back to 1923 and an incredible membership base which includes thousands of volunteers who run local and special interest groups. The volunteers are amazing and are the heart and soul of Boundless.”

Why are membership clubs important?

“Public sector and civil servants are the backbone of this country, but they really don’t get the recognition that they should.  We aim to give them a louder voice whilst we inspire and support them to try new activities, make lasting memories and to live life to the fullest.”

How did your career develop?

“My career started in the hospitality and leisure industry, which took me to different countries, continents and cultures, constantly keeping me moving and developing. From early on, I realised I thrived on competition and craved responsibility, which drove my ambition to achieve.

“I was appointed CEO of Boundless four years ago to transform and modernise the company. I had been part of the senior leadership team for some years prior to that, so I already had a deep understanding of it and a clear vision what it could become.

“I pride myself on leading successful transformations and building a people-centric business. But it’s the satisfaction of working with a team, of making meaningful human connections, of achieving things together and offering value to the world that gets me out of bed in the morning.”

How do you successfully modernise a heritage brand?

“When Boundless was founded 95-years ago as the CSMA, it was a motoring association founded by people who clubbed together to save money on fuel. We see cars in a very different light today but at the time motoring was pioneering and it was all about the spirit of adventure – getting out of the office, seeing the world and bringing people together.

“CSMA was an enabler to do a lot of things shared under the umbrella of membership. What I’ve tried to do with the team is to stay true to that spirit of adventure and develop the modern-day version, helping as many members as we can to experience more.”

How do you feel about winning Business Person of the Year at the Sussex Business Awards in 2018?

“It means an awful lot to receive the award and to be recognised externally for what we have achieved.  This award is so prestigious and there were so many other very worthy candidates.  Being born and bred in Sussex, receiving this award was particularly special.

“It’s been a real journey over the last four years, transforming a heritage brand and modernising its proposition. As CEO of Boundless, I’ve been honoured to take the organisation on a journey of exciting evolution, both culturally and operationally – leading its transition from a traditional, membership services organisation into a fully commercialised and diversified business model with robust financial health.”

What advice would you give to others transforming a heritage brand?

“You must be perfectly clear about why your business was established, however long ago that may have been, stay true to the original vision and purpose.   Take care of your stakeholders and they will be loyal to you.  Simply take it back to the core and make a commitment to it. Decide where you are going and don’t get derailed.

“The key is finding how that relates to your modern-day audience and get people to buy in.   By wholly believing in the heritage and putting people at the centre of your organisation provides a great foundation for success.”

 How does Sussex suit your business?

“Sussex is a fantastic county to house our HQ. It is home to bright, energetic and creative people.

“Being sandwiched between the South Downs and the sea also means it’s a great place to live as well as work so I feel very lucky to be based here.”

What’s the key to your success?

“I would say that my career has grown out of an ability to understand the critical connection between an engaged workforce and a happy customer.

“I couldn’t have achieved anything without the hard work and focus of our teams. We have built a platform for success through an unwavering focus on people. By establishing the right working cultures, business results will follow.

“As CEO I focus on people, nurturing leadership teams, making sure we communicate our strategic purpose and that our teams are empowered to deliver on that vision.”

What’s next for Boundless?

“We’ll always stay true to our core membership and values and we intend to expand our membership base so that we can help more people make the most of their leisure time.

“Our team is more confident than ever and empowered to be more innovative with a focus on continually improving our offering and value to members.

“We already own several hotels and leisure parks across the UK, as well as a museum.  Leisure is an area we are keen to grow further.

“I’m excited for the future and am looking forward to seeing our team, and membership, continue to grow and flourish.”

Visit Boundless to learn more.

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