Q&A with Co-Founders Daniel Fielding and Gary Steadman

17th May 2021

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Spartan FX is an awarding winning currency specialist, with over 50 years of industry experience.

Our expert team has helped thousands of customers move their money seamlessly around the world. Whether you are topping up your local account for mortgage and maintenance payments, buying or selling property around the world, or paying suppliers overseas, we will help you get the best rate at the right time.

Founders Dan and Gary share their insights on the effects of Brexit and COVID-19 on international payments and why they started Spartan FX.

Why did you set up Spartan FX?

Dan: There are so many reasons, but primarily it was to use our knowledge and experience to set up a business that does things properly, and that we could be proud of. Having both worked for a long time in large corporate FX companies in London, we started to become disillusioned with the industry. We were often being required to act and transact in the best interests of the business rather than the customer. We wanted to create a customer-centric FX platform and a company where the customers’ best interests are our number one priority.

How did you decide on the name?

Gary: We had so many ideas but ultimately, we wanted something strong, that helped to convey what we are trying to achieve.  We took this a step further by using the chevron as a key element of our logo, which means protection according to Spartan history. This really resonated with our core values and what we are trying to be for our clients: a brand that is strong, safe, and reliable.

What is it about Spartan FX that makes you stand out from the crowd?

Gary: The people within the business first and foremost. We all came together with the belief that deliverable FX could be done so much better. We have started a brand that will never lose sight of its original core values, that our levels of service and our clients are the most important thing.

How do you reassure customers that you are a company they can trust, and their money is safe and secure?

Gary: All our team have a substantial amount of experience and that is really important. When it comes to looking after a client’s transaction, you want the dealer to understand all the potential scenarios and have an appreciation of how everything works. That is one of the reasons that all members of our client-facing team handling currency transactions have at least ten years of experience, helping our clients to avoid any potential pitfalls.

How are Brexit and COVID-19 affecting your business?

Dan: It’s made things tough for a lot of our clients. The pandemic has seen some of our clients do very well while others have struggled and have had to furlough a lot of their staff depending on their industry. We have all had to adapt to working from home, we have worked hard to make sure that this change in working environment wouldn’t lead to a drop in the quality of our service, which by looking at our continued 5-star reviews we have managed to achieve.

Gary: With Brexit, the main problem is the ongoing uncertainty of it all, which makes it hard for businesses to prepare when there is still a lot unknown. There are a lot of changes often resulting in more costs to their bottom line, here at Spartan FX we do everything we can to support our customers.

What tips would you give to individuals or businesses who need to make an international payment this year?

• Don’t overlook your FX payments.

• Give yourself time, the more time you have the more options you will have available to you.

• Have an honest conversation with your dealer so they really understand what you want to achieve. The more we know the more we can help.
