Quality Conversations At Networking Events Require Good Questions

13th September 2022

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Bradley Hatchett, Founder of Network My Club, explains how to start engaging conversations and make them count far more than just silence fillers.

As seasons change from baking hot to cold and wet, there’s one thing that remains constant – and it’s a very British one. 

In a sea of guests at a networking event, you can almost guarantee one topic of conversation. Yes, you guessed it, the weather.  

 I’ve been there. I too have blurted out generic weather-related conversations in the hope to fill a potential silence. 

But I’ve learned a better and more productive (for both parties) way to do so. Thought provoking and curious questions. 

People remember the way you made them feel. By leading conversations with ruthlessly curiosity and with insightful questions, they’ll walk away with the feeling a good conversation was had, and more importantly, feel heard. 

Try These Ideas

Here’s some you can trial at your next networking event: 

“What current trends are you seeing in your industry?” 

First, it’s an easy way for the person to share some relevant and topical news from their industry – whilst also sharing what they’re currently working on. 

It informs you what’s happening in their industry and how they help others. And, as a bonus, you potentially have new information to use in other conversations if that topic comes up. 

Another benefit is it gives them opportunity to discuss something they probably haven’t talked much about, keeping the conversation fresh for them too. 

Lead with curiosity and dive even deeper with ‘what’, ‘why’ and ‘how’ follow up questions. Or my personal favourite follow up, “in what way?” 

“Describe your perfect customer – what keeps them up at night?” 

This is a much more natural way to find out how someone helps their customers, and who their customers are.   

You start to get a picture of how you could help them, who you can connect them with, and who in your network you know that they could benefit from knowing. 

“If you had an afternoon to do anything you wanted, what would that afternoon look like?” 

Go Beyond Business

An easy and less intrusive way to get an understanding of what passions and interests that person has outside of their business. 

Most forget that at a networking event you are building human relationships first and business relationships second. This question allows you to find out about them, what makes them tick, get them excited, and build a better rapport.  

You never know, you may find a common interest with someone you least expected. 

With all these questions, and networking in general, follow an ‘inch wide, mile deep’ mentality. Dive deeper below the surface. 

Then watch your conversations flourish. 

Having the awareness to rephrase typically asked questions will help you better connect with the person or people opposite you. You’ll stand out, and you’ll be remembered. 

Which is what networking is all about, right? 

Try one of our many upcoming events. Network My Club has many events lined up in Sussex and beyond. Why not join us –  armed with your new engaging questions?

Website: www.networkmyclub.co.uk

Twitter: @NetworkMyClub

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/network-my-club